Here we go: finale time. I would’ve said that I can’t believe that it is the finale already but then they showed the teams that had been eliminated and I had already forgotten Dave and Connor. It felt like a long time since they’d been on, almost like it was another season. So I guess this season was longer than I initially thought.
Let’s get to it. The teams get the first clue and they are taking a ferry to Ireland. The Roller Moms and Max were discussing how Max and Katie had U-turned the Moms and I loved Beth’s attitude. She basically said this is a game and we would’ve done the same thing to you. Finally, there’s an adult on one of these shows.
The Road Block is first. It was “Bog Snorkeling,” which was basically snorkeling through 100 yards of funky, cold brown water in less than four minutes. This idea was apparently conceived during drinking. Hmm, what a surprise. Not thinking we’ll see this one in the Olympics anytime … Continue reading