AMAZING RACE – 3/24/13

March 25th, 2013 | No Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 22

Back to Bates and Anthony and “The Dating Game” with “the girls.” Again, they are rattling on about how “The girls will be riding with us” and “The girls are hanging tight with us…can’t complain about that!” Ugh, just bang them and get it over with already. Can’t take much more of this annoying frat-boy banter.

The teams next hit the Road Block which is digging a scorpion out of the ground with three Bushmen to help. One of the Bushmen in each group seems to like to gargle with the scorpion for whatever reason. I guess getting stung repeatedly in the tongue is pretty awesome or something. Anyway, Caroline is walking with her three bushmen and they all of sudden go on high alert and climb a tree. There’s a giant lion not all that far ahead. Caroline basically makes fun of them and tells them not to be scared, because she said she couldn’t see anything. Girl must need glasses, because that lion was large and moving. I mean, seriously, if you are with locals in Africa who are scared enough to freaking climb a tree maybe you need to realize you’re in some danger.

Back to Bates, who immediately thinks of “the girls” when he hears that they will be digging for scorpions. Yeah, not sure I get the connection. But Bates says he doesn’t mind being pinched by the scorpions and Anthony says “by the country singers either.” Well, isn’t that hilarious. These two are all but high-fiving and elbowing each other at this point.

This whole digging for scorpions thing looked kind of scary and tricky at first, but in my opinion, kind of petered out. It seemed like the Bushmen were the ones to mostly handle the scorpions and put them into the jars. Yes, some of the racers held them and put them in the jars, but not all of them did. Of course, Max had to put a freaking glove on to dig for his scorpion. Does he just happen to carry gloves around for this kind of occasion? What a wuss.

And I loved how the bushman’s *ss and junk must’ve been hanging out while he was digging, so they had to put one of those shaded circles over it on TV. Awesome. Hey, here’s an idea: don’t shoot the scene from that angle. Problem solved. If you can see an *ss and man junk in your lens while you’re shooting, you probably shouldn’t be thinking that that scene will make it to TV. Move over to the side of him, dummy.

Chuck’s hair was particularly puffy this episode. That’s not really relevant, but I just needed to say so. His wifey, Winona, didn’t seem to understand the concept of the Bushmen demonstrating what to do and that she should then do the same. She just kept saying she couldn’t understand what they were saying. Hey, Winona, no one expects you to speak whatever language they speak in Botswana. Honestly, we’re not even going to raise the bar and expect you to understand English for the most part. But if the guy motions for you to do something, that should be good enough for almost anyone with eyeballs.

I wasn’t entirely sure that Joey was even going to be able to complete the scorpion task. Hey, I doubt I would’ve been able to do it. Scorpions freak me out. But he particularly didn’t seem like he was going to be able to touch the thing. His scorpion seemed pretty pissed off too and was all twisted around itself. It may as well have been hissing, though I don’t think scorpions actually make any noise. Seriously, I may have been squealing just like Joey over this task.

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