AMAZING RACE – 11/4/12

November 5th, 2012 | 4 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 21

Back to Brent and Josh. I noted a local pointing and laughing at Brent with the bagel tray on his head. Uh, am I the only idiot that assumed that there are constantly people walking around like that in Turkey? Well, this guy kind of made it look like they just invented this for purposes of the show. Otherwise, why would it be so funny to this guy? Anyway, Josh and Brent were walking from Turkey to Paris or something with those damn bagels on Brent’s head. Unfortunately for Brent, Josh really sucks with directions. Again, I must voice disappointment. We witness no less than 12 trips with huge trays on the racers’ heads and yet none come crashing down? This is why I need to be involved with this show. Have these morons ever seen a cartoon? Enormous tray of bagels on head + oil slick = bagels and bodies flying and lots of laughs. Come on, CBS. It’s not that hard.

Next is the Road block – “Serve Turkish sherbet.” Yeah, another really hard task. Well, it was harder than I initially thought because it did involve having to sell the sh*t to the locals. Otherwise, we’d be looking at a “Can you pour a drink?” task, which is too easy even for this season.

James (of the Jaymes and James variety) says, “Well, the Sri Lankans already sold theirs, so I’m going to have to try to sell some of these things off.” Uh, yeah, you mean you still have to basically complete the task? Not sure what that was all about.

I have to say Jaymes is really growing on me. He says “Uh oh, when you see the Monster Truckers and the Beekman Boys show up you know you’re at the back of the pack. Hilarious. And true. So it took me about three rewinds and a lookup on the bio page of the Amazing Race to figure out what the hell “Beekman Boys” meant. (Honestly, I thought he was making a gay slur or something because I couldn’t even figure out the Beekman part until I looked it up.) Was I sleeping and they mentioned that Josh and Brent had their own reality show before this? These two keep getting more interesting. Anyway, on the Wikipedia page it likens that show to a gay Green Acres. As if the original starred John Wayne or something. But somebody apparently gave these two their own show to rattle on about goat farming or whatever. What a surprise that I’ve never heard of that one before. Apparently Josh is also some New York Times best-selling author. Amazing. This is the same guy who is stuck in bumper to bumper traffic (that is not moving AT ALL) and is yelling, “Fast, fast fast!” to his taxi driver. Uh, what? Here Brent was operating on brains or whatever and somehow hooked up with someone this moronic. Lid for every pot, they say.

Pit stop order:

1. Trey and Lexi (Personally I’d cheer for a team of Satan and bin Laden to check in first place over Ryan and Abbie)
2. Abbie and Ryan (Wished Phil had a “Second Place is the First Loser” t-shirt on at the pit stop).
3. James and Abba (Did having to raise $100 even affect them?)
4. Natalie and Nadiya
5. Jaymes and James
6. Josh and Brent (Wow, what a comeback. And they had to eat an ice cream cone too!)
7. Kelley and Rob. (Eliminated. Good thing they didn’t hop off that subway like “the followers” did).

See you next week!

Written by:
Kim Wilson
Twitter: kwilson111

4 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE – 11/4/12

  1. I can’t stand Ryan either . . . . and I cannot believe you didn’t talk about his comment while exiting the travel agency. A 3rd group arrived (maybe the monster truckers??) and one of them gave him a hug. And after they were gone, he said something about the six of them in there together (new team, rockers, and twins) couldn’t generate 3 brain cells. Really? What an @SS!!

    However, I cannot believe the Texas team went along with the twins stealing the rockers money. That is soooo wrong. I thought for sure there would be a penalty or at a minimum something said to them, but Phil just let it go. I actually liked those two teams. I think the only ones I feel I want to win anymore are the rockers . . .

  2. I totally missed that altogether! I’ve been noticing an issue with my cable lately. When I watch Amazing Race and the show is “running over” because of football into The Good Wife timeslot, for whatever reason a small block of show gets missed. It’s really hard to tell sometimes that I missed something! Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I’m definitely going to have to DVR both shows and go back and watch both to make sure nothing’s missed.

    I’m with you on the Rockers. That may be a problem. Looks like the previews they are showing this week are showing them losing their passports…I think that’s been a definite nail in the coffin for teams in the past. Hopefully, they find them!

  3. Shoot! They seem to be running a nice, clean race up to this point. They sort of remind me of a couple from several seasons back that were real laid-back, hippy type. The sort of ‘do no harm, karma will take over’ type of people. I really liked them also.

  4. @rsanon – yeah, I think that was the Snowboarders. I was hating on them for awhile but actually really liked them a lot at the time they got eliminated. Are you talking about a team that won a ton of legs? The snowboarders got eliminated in kind of a shady way too if I remember right.

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