AMAZING RACE – 10/28/12

Here we are at week five already. As some of you may remember, I’m in one of those Mid-Atlantic states (Delaware). We are getting hit pretty badly with that hurricane already, and it’s technically not even really here yet. As I am typing this, it is crazy windy and rainy outside. I am really hoping this power doesn’t go out, so I can watch this show and get the column out. Best of luck to my fellow East Coasters and everyone affected by this storm.

Anyway, I think I can take anything but multiple days without power and my kids nagging me. I think at the most we’ve only had a full 24 hours without power since we’ve had the kids. It was 100 degrees out at the time, though. They spent that whole time screaming and asking “When is the power coming back!???!! I can’t get Wi-Fi!!!!????” Good thing these guys weren’t around in 1860 or anything. Anyway, there’s a chance for even up to a week without power and I am not … Continue reading

October 29th, 2012 | 4 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

AMAZING RACE – 2/19/12

We’re back! Seems like there wasn’t that much time between seasons this time, which is good. The show starts us off in Wine Country, California. We’re subjected to looking at all the racers dressed up in those ultra cool bike racing outfits. Apparently, Wine Country is the favorite spot for “Cycling enthusiasts.” I know I’m generally a cynical, scrooge type person, but does anyone else feel like opening your car door when you pass these people on the road? I always imagine my car door flying open and sending these people flying off the side of the road at 100 miles per hour. A couple flips, maybe a tree crash? It just seems I always get stuck behind a gaggle of these geeks on a single lane road and there are just enough cars coming from the other direction that I am forced to do 15 miles an hour behind them for miles. Share the road? Nope. Not me.

Anyway, this season’s group doesn’t seem to disappoint. Here they are:

1. Dave & … Continue reading

February 20th, 2012 | 15 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized