We’re already at week three of Amazing Race titled “Don’t Lay Down on Me Now.” As a preliminary thought, I added my twitter address up top. I literally have one follower right now—my husband. Yeah, what a loser. I signed up a couple years ago (judging by the age of my son in my picture) and I don’t think I’ve looked at it since and this is the first I’ve even given anyone a way to follow me on there. I’m totally giving excuses for having no followers. Anyway, obviously nothing really going on there yet but hopefully I’ll figure out what the hell I’m doing and be able to post my blog there soon.

So I saw a post–exit interview on with both Ethan and Jenna and Ron and Bill. Nothing all that interesting, the usual “had such a good time…saw so many places…met so many people” prattle that people go on about when they don’t want to say “I’m a loser, no million dollars for me, snowboarders with no brains beat … Continue reading

October 10th, 2011 | 4 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 19


Written by: Kim Wilson Email:

And we’re back for Episode #2 “The Sprint of Our Life (Indonesia).” Just a follow up to last week, in case you were wondering, Bill and Cathi checked in almost FIVE HOURS after the team ahead of them. So that wasn’t just editing at work trying to make them look ridiculously slow—they really were. Guess we’ll see how well they bounce back this week, especially with it being double elimination week and having to perform an extra task. And also with having to start this next leg five hours after the last team this week too. Good luck to these two. They better start hoping for those hay baling challenges. May as well eat out a few times during this leg and take some pictures because they really don’t seem to have a chance. Then again, it seems likely they’ll have to build in one of those flights that all the teams have to wait 12 hours to catch, in order to put Bill and Cathi back in the … Continue reading

October 3rd, 2011 | 7 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 19


Written by: Kimberly Wilson Email:

Hello everyone! Welcome to Season 19 of The Amazing Race. Before we get started on the first episode, I figure I’d better introduce myself…as if anyone cares. I’m Kim and I live in the little state that your Vice President comes from. Besides the VP, Ryan Phillippe and Teri Polo, no one notable is ever from Delaware. And see how pathetic that is? You just asked who the hell Teri Polo is. Anyway, as for me, I have a full time job, a husband that I nag to death and two energetic little boys that leave me looking like Jack Nicholson in “The Shining” a full 25% of the time. But enough of the boring stuff, let’s get on to the season opener!

So we are starting in Los Angeles, California and get introduced to our newest group of couples. We are not disappointed in discovering the usual token older couple, father/son, gay guys, engaged couple, D-list “celebrity” couple and two sets of pretty but kind of dumb … Continue reading

September 27th, 2011 | 6 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 19