Lexi and Trey and Jaymes and James decide to do the Movers dance task. James has a bum ankle from a previous task, so this wasn’t the one to pick. I was thinking they should’ve ditched for the Shakers thing, but they stuck it out and got it done. Thought it kind of dumb that the medic shows up after James finished. I’m sure he could’ve used that ankle wrapped up before the task, but hey, you’re the medical expert. Maybe the show was hoping his foot would actually pop off and cause a little drama, but who knows. Anyway, Lexi and Trey finished this one off pretty quickly too. Nadiya ripped her pants pretty good while trying to dance and stuff like that is never NOT funny. She tried to continue but she was getting to the point where they had to cover her private parts with one of those hazy circles, so she decided to change. The girls get the task completed pretty quickly also.
Brent and Josh finally get to start their task and dang if Brent didn’t totally redeem himself. He was going on and on about how he always got straight A’s in school and I thought to myself “Good! He’s going to make a fool of himself and screw this one up like the rest of them.” But, lo and behold, it may have taken him 15 days in the pool, but this guy got this math problem right away. I mean, he IS a goat farmer so it’s not that big of a surprise. Oh, and a doctor. So, at this point, I was hoping that Josh and Brent caught up to Ryan the genius so that he realized that they finished it on the first try. Damn CBS! No footage of this. Oh well.
Perhaps the most ironic moment of the show: “Lenin” telling Josh to be careful of vodka and Russian women. Josh answers, “I’ll try.” I know one of the two won’t be that hard for him.
Pit stop order:
1. Jaymes and James
2. Trey and Lexi
3. Natalie and Nadiya
4. Abbie and Ryan [With puffed up chest: “We’ve knocked off the harder challenges ourselves…” Yeah, adding 4+2 took you 25 tries, pal.]
5. Josh and Brent
6. Abba and James (The bad news is that you’ve been eliminated from the Race. The good news is you are the newest citizens of Russia because you aren’t getting home anytime soon.)
Just two weeks to go….see you next week!
Written by: Kim Wilson
Email: kwilson1101@gmail.com
Twitter: kwilson111
I also felt the whole penalty thing was not the same as in the past. Other racers have sat off to the side before they can check in. Perhaps it was obvious those passports were not showing up so they changed the rules. I believe this was the last leg of the race to use the express pass for the girls. Use it or lose it. But in the past hasn’t the express pass let you go straight to the Pit Stop? They should not have had to do another task. Maybe I am wrong. Poor James and Abba. I liked them. They will be on the next All-Stars I hope. Love your recap as always!
I agree about the whole penalty thing. In the past, contestants had to sit and wait until their time was up before checking in.
Also, I didn’t know that contestants could not check in unless they had their passports on them. Why would they not be permitted to continue the race until they had to leave the country they’re in? That could have given James & Abba time to get a new passport, or perhaps even find the lost passport.
I don’t know. Smells fishy to me – the penalty delay and the passport requirement to complete the leg of the race.
Also … who am I going to root for now?!
I was also confused by the whole penalty situation. I have seen the last team have to wait the penalty time at the start of the next leg if they are the last ones in and it is a nonelimination round, but I would have thought that James & Abba could check in. mcords – great idea to have James & Abba in an All Star show!
I was surprised they didn’t just let Brent & Josh “complete” the water challenge also – too funny watching him dive – poor guy.
LOVED Ryan in the time zone challenge – bwahahaha! He is soooo smart, the CHALLENGE must be wrong – he couldn’t possible be wrong. His ego really got in the way of him completing that one. It only took the blond cheerleader and the Chippendales guy 12 times to realize they were doing it wrong. He was . . . was he into triple digits?? But after everyone else’s trouble, I was impressed with Brent – can’t swim, but the man can solve a math problem!
Hmmmm – who do I want to win now? I’ll admit to some preconceived ideas about James & Jaymes, but they seem to be pretty nice guys. Might be rooting for them now
You may have thought that the episode might have blown, but once again I loved your recap!