Well, here we go: Season Finale! Rachel and Dave finished first AGAIN and are leaving first –I’d say they are the ones to beat at this point. Right away, it was funny to hear Dave say that his relationship with Rachel is more important than the money or the Race. He was going on and on about their relationship being the priority. I guess that’s why he constantly blames and berates her for everything during this thing. I’d be serving this jerk with divorce papers before I got back to America, but that’s just me. I’m sure Rachel has dealt with this same kind of derision even over the dumb stuff at home. Like not putting the hammer back where it belongs in the garage causing a lecture-like rant and maybe him forcing her to do a bunch of push ups or something. Anyway, all the teams were on the same flight, headed to Hiroshima, Japan.

Art and JJ declared: “We just feel that we are the best team.” Oh really? That’s news. Tell us … Continue reading

May 7th, 2012 | 3 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 20

AMAZING RACE – 4/30/12

As if there was any doubt who made the statement that would make up this week’s title, it was good old Rachel from Big Brother. Those promos showed her whining up a storm about how she spent $500 on hair extensions and didn’t want to shave her head. Hey, I totally get that. I wouldn’t want to shave my head even without pricey hair extensions. But Rachel just won a half million on Big Brother. Is $500 all that much to her? Honestly, she kept saying she’d use the whole half million or something on her wedding to Brendan. My guess is she’s probably already dropped more than $500 making sure there are rhinestones on the toilet paper in the bathroom stalls at her wedding reception. No clue why that’s a large amount of money for her all of a sudden, but whatever. You don’t want to shave your head? Just say so. Don’t make a ridiculous excuse about expensive hair extensions.

On to this week’s show. 10th leg and the finale is coming up … Continue reading

April 30th, 2012 | 2 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 20

AMAZING RACE – 4/23/12

Ninth leg of the Race already! Hard to believe we’re two months into the show already. We are getting close enough to the end to start contemplating who is in best shape to win this thing. I’m definitely thinking that it’s between Rachel and Dave and Art and JJ at this point. You never know with this show though. Especially after seeing JJ’s dancing skills on this episode. Another challenge like that may bring him down.

The teams are headed to India. Rachel and Dave seem to realize that they are officially in trouble with JJ and Art. And they are. Art and JJ are really pissed off. These two seem to be the type to hold a grudge. Rachel and Dave are definitely on their radar as targets. I guess that it’s getting near the end so the whole “Let’s help each other” friendships are pretty much out the window either way. Still, it’s definitely not good to become a target near the end with another U-turn in the future.

Anyway, it … Continue reading

April 23rd, 2012 | 1 Comment | Posted in Amazing Race 20