AMAZING RACE – 11/20/11

Not sure if anyone else checked out Zac and Laurence’s exit interview. Not all that exciting; Laurence was still annoyed about getting U-turned, but that was about it. What I was really interested about were the comments people were making below the interview. Surprisingly, (to me, anyway) a lot of people seemed to be rooting for Ernie and Cindy. Is that seriously possible? I did see some negativity surrounding the snowboarders too. I must say I’ve hopped off that train. They are totally annoying and I would never want to hang out with them for more than 30 seconds, but you’ve got to respect their game. If they were to win, you couldn’t really doubt that they deserve it. Anyway, moving along to this week’s show….

Ernie and Cindy are off first. They have to get to a statute of Hans Christian Anderson. I must say he was a pretty goofy looking dude. Cindy decides to enlighten us with more of her life story and says that her parents would have loved her to marry … Continue reading

November 21st, 2011 | 1 Comment | Posted in Amazing Race 19

AMAZING RACE – 11/13/11

And we’re back….I’d touch on the elimination interview with Jennifer and Justin but there wasn’t much interesting there. She was very apologetic that she killed their chances by waiting way too long at that one task. Beyond that, not much revealing in the interview. Justin didn’t seem that mad or anything. Back to this week’s show: Snowboarders off first AGAIN. These two are no joke. They take off from Malawi headed for Copenhagen, Denmark. The clue instructs that flight availability is limited and suggests that the racers should try to make other arrangements.

Cindy and Ernie are whining that first place was stolen from them. Well, not quite guys. If you weren’t running around like complete morons with no clue where to go after blowing the Express Pass, the snowboarders wouldn’t have been a problem. If these two think that things are going to get easier or that another team is going to take a fall so that they win the million, they are definitely mistaken. You can kind of tell that Cindy’s used … Continue reading

November 14th, 2011 | 1 Comment | Posted in Amazing Race 19

AMAZING RACE – 11/6/11

And we’re back in Malawi for the next leg of the race. First Double U- turn of the season and it is looking like it will be a really hard leg for Amani and Marcus. They clearly were starting off in the hole this time. But I should’ve known by the title that this episode was kind of going to blow. The most exciting thing that happened was a goat getting in the way of a taxi. It was all downhill from there.

Anyway, Andy and Tommy came in first again, so they leave first again. They start off on a two hour bus ride to the next clue. Won’t even bother with my usual “they are first again” comment. You know the drill.

Justin starts talking about how he came out of the closet. I wasn’t that surprised, kind of got that vibe off of him a couple of times earlier in the season. What was kind of surprising was that he made it sound like it was so hard to come … Continue reading

November 7th, 2011 | 4 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 19