May 7th, 2012 | 3 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 20

Vanessa has to do this task and says she hopes it’s not physical. Art looked like he was ready to die while doing it, so good luck there. Especially considering Vanessa’s ankle, which actually looks really bruised up. I owe her an apology there. Wow, Vanessa seriously sucked at this task. She hadn’t even gotten one of the rubber chickens before the other teams were finished the whole task. I think the best was when she finally got that last chicken but fell hard and got blown back into that balloon pit. She stood up all goofy with one of her enormous false eyelashes on sideways, covering her eyeball. No worries, though because she seriously took the time to put on another eyelash in the cab. Wow. That’s not too shallow or anything. I have to say, even Rachel from Big Brother hasn’t stooped that low yet.

The teams next hit the Detour: Sushi Bingo or Sumo Photos. The photo task seemed hard because the only team to do it, Rachel and Dave, had to convince strangers in the street to take sumo pictures in ten groups. They were both really creepy trying to get people in there. You can tell there is real money on the line. Dave was so unnatural trying to seem all upbeat and friendly, he came off like a serial killer trying to lure kids into a van with candy. I’m surprised anyone came over but they managed to finish the task.

As Dave and Rachel move on and hop into a taxi, Dave’s bag was open and his stupid stuff was rolling out all over the place. Of course, he immediately yells “Rachel!” as if she did something to cause it to happen. He seriously asked her what his bag was doing unzipped and told her to zip it up when she goes in there. Rachel finally had it with this ridiculous crap and told him she hadn’t gone near his stupid bag. She told him to shut the F up. Finally. I can’t believe it took her that long. This guy is impossible.

Back to the sushi task where Art and JJ and Brendon and Rachel are having trouble.
Rachel was in some weird zoning mood, just kind of sitting there. Looked like she was trying to multiply ten times ten or something, because she was really lost in thought. Meanwhile, Vanessa and Ralph showed up. Unfortunately for them, the other teams were already almost done.

Pit stop order:

1. Rachel and Dave (There he goes again..It’s verbal abuse throughout the leg until they finish first and then it’s all kissy kissy).
2. Art and JJ (Art knows for a FACT that they will win the million…really? because I know I hope not).
3. Rachel and Brendon
4. Vanessa, her false eyelashes and Ralph are eliminated.

Part Two of the Finale

I almost hope Brendon and Rachel win. Don’t freak out….it’s only because I figure the other four people will riot if it happens. And understandably. We have Art and JJ, who keep declaring they are the best team, even though they’ve only come in first place once or something; and then there’s Rachel and Dave, who are pretty confident because they actually keep coming in first place. Honestly, the only team I really don’t want to see win is Art and JJ, which as the readers from last season know, kind of guarantees them a win here. Seriously, I hope not. Congrats to Art and JJ. You have to be a pretty arrogant couple of buttholes for me to root for Rachel and Brendon over you.

3 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE FINALE – 5/7/12

  1. I’ll admit I didn’t give a rats ass who won this thing, as long as it wasn’t Brendon and Rachel. I almost skipped watching this season when I heard they were going to be on there, but this being one of wifey’s favorite shows…

    Somehow I knew from the very first episode that we were going to have to put up with those two for the entire season. Unfortunately I was right. Whats worse is Brendon had so many opportunities to dispose of her annoying ass, and it really could have been looked upon as an accident. But noooooo, we couldn’t be so lucky.

    Note to self… if Brendon actually does become a doctor some day, remind me to never step foot into any facility he may be working at. I wouldn’t want that fool anywhere near me or my body. And hopefully, since he is getting so well known (in a bad way) with his constant appearances on reality tv shows, no one else will want to be a patient of his either. Sleeping with Rachel has to have infected him with something contagious. I’m just sayin’.

  2. Congratulations, Kim, on another great season of play-by-play analysis. Please know that there are a lot of loyal readers out here who appreciate your wit and wisdom.

  3. I’m with “Nobody” – I wasn’t going to watch this season specifically because Rachel & Brendon were contestants and I thought (correctly, as it turns out) they’d somehow make it to the final three.

    However, as with The Bachelor/Bachelorette, because this site provides such awesome recaps, I couldn’t help but tune in by the time the contestants were trimmed to the final 6 couples.

    I also didn’t care who won the Race as long as it *wasn’t* R & B. And I hope I’ve now seen the last of them on Reality TV.

    If someone can explain to me what Brendon sees in Rachel’s whiny, pouty, 5-yr-old persona, I’d really appreciate it. Does he not realize that he will have to “parent” her for the duration of their relationship: Wiping her tears when she cries; kissing all her boo-boos better; tolerating her tantrums; reassuring her when she (accurately) claims that nobody likes her; telling her that she’s “beautiful” (really? I don’t find her remotely attractive, boobs or not); etc. ad nauseum.

    Reality TV: the insanity you love to hate. Ha-ha.

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