May 7th, 2012 | 3 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 20

Well, here we go: Season Finale! Rachel and Dave finished first AGAIN and are leaving first –I’d say they are the ones to beat at this point. Right away, it was funny to hear Dave say that his relationship with Rachel is more important than the money or the Race. He was going on and on about their relationship being the priority. I guess that’s why he constantly blames and berates her for everything during this thing. I’d be serving this jerk with divorce papers before I got back to America, but that’s just me. I’m sure Rachel has dealt with this same kind of derision even over the dumb stuff at home. Like not putting the hammer back where it belongs in the garage causing a lecture-like rant and maybe him forcing her to do a bunch of push ups or something. Anyway, all the teams were on the same flight, headed to Hiroshima, Japan.

Art and JJ declared: “We just feel that we are the best team.” Oh really? That’s news. Tell us something we don’t know. Not really loving Dave and Rachel, but I’d have to say they are probably the best team out there. How many legs have they won now? Seven? The best team doesn’t always win the Race, so I am not sure why Art and JJ are afraid to admit that Dave and Rachel have the numbers on their side right now.

Vanessa is whining again about her sprained ankle. Just drop out or shut up already.

Brendon and Rachel approach a kiosk to buy bus tickets. Unfortunately, the screen is only displayed in Japanese. These two dummies think that they can read Japanese all of a sudden and just sit there trying to read the screen anyway. It’s not like Spanish guys, where you can figure out a couple words here and there. We’re talking a language made up of straight-up symbols. You aren’t figuring out a language like that by just staring blankly at the screen. Rachel whines on anyway that she can’t read Japanese. Wow, that’s a surprise. I’d bet she hasn’t even mastered reading English yet. Anyway, they finally scare up one brain between the two of them and figure out that they need to get some help. Too late–they miss the first bus. Then came the usual fighting. I won’t bore you by repeating the same fight you’ve heard 30,000 times already this season.

In similar news, Dave and Rachel missed the next train and couldn’t leave for 20 minutes later than everyone else. Dave started right up with blaming Rachel for some reason. Not sure what she did wrong, but he launches into a rant about how she needs to keep trying and “there’s always something that can be done.” He apparently was pissed off that she wants to just sit there and wait for the next train. As if there was some other choice. Should she have thrown herself in front of the first train and clung to the windshield? I mean, you missed it, you have to wait. This guy is unreal.

Meanwhile, Ralph and Vanessa, JJ and Art and Brendon and Rachel are all celebrating because Rachel and Dave also missed the last ferry of the night. I mean, seriously, they really think that the Race would essentially allow one team to be eliminated by putting other teams 7 hours ahead or something? Duh. That never happens. As expected, the next clue had them starting the next task after sunrise. These morons actually seemed surprised and disappointed. Does anyone actually watch this show before they go on it?

Next, the teams are off to Osaka. They have to take part in one of those Japanese game shows. Don’t they do crazy stuff like electrocute people for cash? Now THAT would be awesome. No such luck. The racers have to run on a treadmill thingy and grab three rubber chickens in the air at the same time. Art is there first and totally wipes out a bunch of times. Kind of looks like if you’re running on a treadmill and accidentally stepped on the side rails or something. You wipe out pretty hard and the belt sends you flying backwards. Definitely something I’d like to catch happening to someone at the gym at least once.

3 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE FINALE – 5/7/12

  1. I’ll admit I didn’t give a rats ass who won this thing, as long as it wasn’t Brendon and Rachel. I almost skipped watching this season when I heard they were going to be on there, but this being one of wifey’s favorite shows…

    Somehow I knew from the very first episode that we were going to have to put up with those two for the entire season. Unfortunately I was right. Whats worse is Brendon had so many opportunities to dispose of her annoying ass, and it really could have been looked upon as an accident. But noooooo, we couldn’t be so lucky.

    Note to self… if Brendon actually does become a doctor some day, remind me to never step foot into any facility he may be working at. I wouldn’t want that fool anywhere near me or my body. And hopefully, since he is getting so well known (in a bad way) with his constant appearances on reality tv shows, no one else will want to be a patient of his either. Sleeping with Rachel has to have infected him with something contagious. I’m just sayin’.

  2. Congratulations, Kim, on another great season of play-by-play analysis. Please know that there are a lot of loyal readers out here who appreciate your wit and wisdom.

  3. I’m with “Nobody” – I wasn’t going to watch this season specifically because Rachel & Brendon were contestants and I thought (correctly, as it turns out) they’d somehow make it to the final three.

    However, as with The Bachelor/Bachelorette, because this site provides such awesome recaps, I couldn’t help but tune in by the time the contestants were trimmed to the final 6 couples.

    I also didn’t care who won the Race as long as it *wasn’t* R & B. And I hope I’ve now seen the last of them on Reality TV.

    If someone can explain to me what Brendon sees in Rachel’s whiny, pouty, 5-yr-old persona, I’d really appreciate it. Does he not realize that he will have to “parent” her for the duration of their relationship: Wiping her tears when she cries; kissing all her boo-boos better; tolerating her tantrums; reassuring her when she (accurately) claims that nobody likes her; telling her that she’s “beautiful” (really? I don’t find her remotely attractive, boobs or not); etc. ad nauseum.

    Reality TV: the insanity you love to hate. Ha-ha.

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