AMAZING RACE – 4/30/12

April 30th, 2012 | 2 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 20

As if there was any doubt who made the statement that would make up this week’s title, it was good old Rachel from Big Brother. Those promos showed her whining up a storm about how she spent $500 on hair extensions and didn’t want to shave her head. Hey, I totally get that. I wouldn’t want to shave my head even without pricey hair extensions. But Rachel just won a half million on Big Brother. Is $500 all that much to her? Honestly, she kept saying she’d use the whole half million or something on her wedding to Brendan. My guess is she’s probably already dropped more than $500 making sure there are rhinestones on the toilet paper in the bathroom stalls at her wedding reception. No clue why that’s a large amount of money for her all of a sudden, but whatever. You don’t want to shave your head? Just say so. Don’t make a ridiculous excuse about expensive hair extensions.

On to this week’s show. 10th leg and the finale is coming up next week. Rachel and Dave are off first. This was definitely India…There were cows literally just lying around on the roadsides. Very strange to see.

We see footage of a past scene where Art and JJ tell Brendan and Rachel at the airport that they couldn’t follow their own shadow on a bright sunny day. This was apparently shot during the airport fight scene that was really between Brendan, Rachel, Vanessa and Ralph. I never saw this original footage, so I apologize in advance if it was shown and I just missed it. I did notice renewed animosity between Art and JJ and the Big Brother duo after the airport fight, and I couldn’t quite figure out why. Art and JJ really shouldn’t have been involved. I will say, again, I am not a huge fan or Rachel or Brendan. They are annoying, to put it lightly. I don’t like to be annoyed by people. But Art and JJ are really annoying me too. Why exactly did they insert themselves into that fight between the other four? Art and JJ are kind of proving to be as petty and quick to constant bickering as the others. Ironically, those seem to be the very traits that they despise most in Brendan and Rachel. That and their not “deserving” of having a spot in the Race, that is.

JJ next starts whining about a cold he has that’s not letting him be as sharp. Guess that’s supposed to be the explanation for why they came in third place last week. His cold didn’t sound that bad to me. My son had a cold last week where he sounded fifty times worse and had green snot literally pouring out of his nose for days on end. He didn’t miss a beat. But I’m supposed to feel sorry for this whiny forty-something man on the Race. These two just always sound like people who can’t deal with not always coming in first place to me. People just full of excuses when they don’t win. They need a pep talk that usually goes to six year olds that you’re not always going to win and that it’s OKAY. No dumb excuses required.

2 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE – 4/30/12

  1. Hallelujah! I’ve been waiting for you to write about what a douchelord Dave is!!!! My husband has had to stop watching the show altogether b/c that guy is such an ASS. I feel really sorry for Rachel and, honestly, I kind of worry about her if they don’t win. He’s very cutting. Scary dude.

  2. Dave probably isn’t a big of an ass as you think. It’s probably the military man coming out in him. That’s likely how he acts while working. Don’t read too much into it! You see how he acts once the stress is off.

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