AMAZING RACE – 4/23/12

April 23rd, 2012 | 1 Comment | Posted in Amazing Race 20

I have to give Rachel credit; she was pretty good at the dancing. As for the Big Brother Rachel, you pretty much knew she wasn’t getting this one right. Anytime, you see “1st attempt” you know this may go for a while. Cue the annoying whining “I-CAN’T-DO-THIS” scene from Rachel and having to suffer through Brendon talking her back off the ledge. He tells us it’s bad to have a girl on your team because they get emotional. Yeah, I guess it’s especially tough for him because there are two girls on his team. Brendon tells us that Rachel “sometimes” gets emotional. First, you don’t have to tell us that Rachel gets emotional. Unfortunately, we have eyes and ears. But to use the word “sometimes” to describe her? Nah. I figure this chick would have an emotional meltdown if Brendon failed to Supersize her value meal at McDonald’s. We know firsthand just how easy it is to trigger one of her meltdowns.

The teams start getting to the Detour. It’s a choice between Cricket – hitting a ball to a boundary, or Clutch It – driving a rickshaw through a driver’s ed course. Dave and Rachel get there first and look to have a good lead. Not much of interest going on with this Detour with any of the teams, so I’ll double back to the dancing challenge. Art comments that JJ looks like a “gorilla in a chiffon suit” dancing. That was a good reference. He really did. Surprisingly, JJ finished it. I figure that at that point the Judge’s eyes were hurting badly enough that he finally just sent JJ on his way.

Mark is also having a horrible time with the dancing. He seemed to be feeling lightheaded or something. His performance was pretty much awful the whole time. He just seemed to be awkward and at least two beats behind the rest of the performers. Was not looking good for him. On a lighter note, I could watch him trying to master this thing the whole show. You could really see the light bulb trying to turn on as he attempted to remember the dance steps. I’ll give him credit; it took a lot before he decided to give up. Then there was a lot of talk about quitting the Race altogether. I wasn’t sure why they didn’t just take a penalty and hope that this was a non-elimination leg? Ultimately that didn’t matter, because after a ton of encouragement, Mark decides to get back out there. I’m sure we all knew how this one would play out. He could’ve gone out there and collapsed and they would’ve still would’ve put the clue on top of his dead body. You could tell that was the case because they didn’t show much of the routine that he supposedly did well enough to finally get the clue. Can’t blame them for wanting him to succeed though. These two are certainly a likeable pair.

Unfortunately, I think I’ll be hearing that damned song in my sleep tonight.

Pit stop order:

1. Rachel and Dave
2. Brendon and Rachel
3. Art and JJ (Phil: “You are team #3…AND the worst dancer ever.”)
4. Vanessa and Ralph
5. Bopper and Mark (Non-elimination leg – their second one!)

Previews – Vanessa sprains her ankle or something and they want to cut off Rachel’s hair. Lots of whining ahead…prepare yourselves.

Written by: Kim Wilson
Twitter: @kwilson111

One thought on “AMAZING RACE – 4/23/12

  1. Those Kentucky boys have really grown on me! They are two of the most positive people I have ever seen on this show. Their children should be proud of how they have presented themselves to the world!

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