AMAZING RACE – 4/16/12

April 16th, 2012 | 2 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 20

Back to Bopper and Mark and a bit of unclear thinking. They declare that if they get to the final three they will definitely win the million, but insist that they would like to finish in first place once before that. Uh, if you can’t finish first place when the pressure isn’t as great and the stakes aren’t as high, what would make you think the final three would be a sure win? I can’t say I understand that thinking, but I do like these guys. Would not mind at all if they actually won this thing.

Next, the teams start reaching the Road Block. It consists of putting on one of those dumb full body beekeeper suits and collecting honey. Gross. I don’t like the taste of honey and so I really can’t get why people go to all this freaking trouble for it. But whatever. Anyway, not sure what was up with editing but Bopper is on next talking about his knee surgery from six months ago. He says his knee has been great but since the Race began, it’s been “grilling.” Guess he meant grueling. Think they should’ve waited for the scene where Mark is hoofing it on foot to the pit stop to reveal this information, but you get the point.

We’re back to the border patrol agents obsessing over whether Rachel and Dave kept their deal to use the U-turn. They arrive at the Road Block, only to discover Dave and Rachel ready to head to the pit stop. It quickly dawns on them that they were betrayed. Rachel gives some lame response about how “the teachers” were so far behind anyway, what was the point of using the U-turn? Did she really think that would help? That didn’t explain why they didn’t use the U-turn on Brendon and Rachel as planned. The border agents are totally pissed, and I don’t blame them for it. They know that U-turning a team puts themselves at risk for retaliation from a team that is not ultimately eliminated as a result. Dave and Rachel were clearly trying to avoid that. The fact that they keep coming in first place doesn’t help their cause either. This will really make them targets by the border agents now.

Wow, someone seriously just uttered “Hakuna Matata” again. At least I now know it was the border patrol guys and have someone to blame. Unreal. What the hell about beekeeping inspired the need to yell Hakuna Matata, I have no idea.

Camera cuts back to Nary and Jamie who are just now working on the water jug task. Dang, anyone else think Nary looked like a lumberjack pumping that water? Wow. Does anyone still believe those two are teachers? Anyway, seemed that they were pretty far behind now, until we see that Vanessa and Ralph weren’t that far ahead. The second that Vanessa uttered, “We have the best luck with cabs!” you knew there would be a problem. I pretty much figure as soon as they said it that the producers threw a bunch of nails in front of their wheels. Sure enough, they get a flat tire. After that, you start thinking that Nary and Jamie may still have a chance, even though they still have to do a speed bump. However, this taxi driver should be in NASCAR or something because he changes that tire so fast you’d think he had a gun to his head.

Rachel and Brendon make it to the bee task next. Rachel basically compares herself to Winnie the Pooh. Um, is she not the complete opposite of Pooh? Who can say they dislike Pooh? In contrast, Rachel seems to pretty much be disliked by anyone in her path.

Vanessa and Ralph are next at the bees task. Either the editing was very quick or that task didn’t take too long. It seems that the fake teachers are officially screwed.

Pit stop:
1. Bopper and Mark
2. Dave and Rachel
3. Art and JJ (complain to Phil about Rachel and Dave – they are clearly pissed. This will get interesting because these two look to hold a grudge.)
4. Rachel and Brendon
5. Vanessa and Ralph
6. Nary and Jamie (Eliminated- but good news…their strategy is still intact! I mean, no one will know they are a threat NOW.)

Previews – Showdown imminent between Rachel and Dave and Art and JJ.

See you next week!

Written by: Kim Wilson
Twitter: @kwilson111

2 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE – 4/16/12

  1. Dave is such a poor sport he had to elbow Bopper in the stomach when he tried to give him a sideway hug at the finish line just because he and Rachel didn’t finish in 1st – yet again? What a jerk!

    Love your comments about lions attacking sequins – hahahaha. I wanted green Rachel to do the bee challenge so much . . . thinking what a whiner she would be, but it all just passed too fast 🙁 Secretly, I was hoping for just one sting – just one 😉

  2. Dave probably isn’t a big of an ass as you think. It’s probably the military man coming out in him. That’s likely how he acts while working. Don’t read too much into it! You see how he acts once the stress is off.

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