AMAZING RACE – 4/16/12

April 16th, 2012 | 2 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 20

Another awesome bickering exchange ensues between Dave and Rachel. Dave, in the usual pattern, lashes out against Rachel in frustration. He blames her for making a new hole in their bike tire with a screwdriver. Rachel gets pissed off as a result. They argue back and forth, as usual, until Dave tells her to shut up and be a team player. Yeah, Dave. I guess making a ridiculous accusation that she was purposely putting new holes in the tire to sabotage your position was your role in being part of the team. Gotta love the fights between these two though.

We’re back to Mark and Bopper, who are always entertaining. Mark decided to cross examine a local on where the detour was in English. Well, in Mark’s version of English. Anyway, she responds (I guess) and it is completely unintelligible. Shouldn’t that be expected though? Mark couldn’t understand her (and apparently neither could the Race because the show’s closed captions just said “?????” when she spoke). He yells right in her face “HUH??????” about as loud as he could manage. Awesome. Love when people talk loud to those who speak another language as if the person is deaf or something. I wonder if Mark actually thinks that the entire world speaks English? That wouldn’t be that huge of a surprise.

Not to harp on something I’ve already mentioned before, but I still don’t get the whole “green team” thing. Everyone keeps referring to Brendon and Rachel as the green team, but no one seems to be wearing shirts that are consistent with their team color. Rachel does have a green shirt on but Brendon is wearing some plaid flannel shirt that doesn’t seem at all green to me. One of the border agents is in green; the other is in red. Rachel and Dave are no better; she is in a teal shirt and Dave is also in green. Vanessa and Ralph are wearing lavender and navy. What am I missing here? I think the Race needs to provide them uniforms or something or get rid of the whole team color thing altogether. Seriously, I’ve never heard anyone referred to by their team color this season except for Brendon and Rachel. It’s as if the other teams are so repulsed by these two that they can’t even bear to mention their names. That’s probably what it is.

Anyway, back to the race. Ralph and Vanessa show up at the bike place and just wander around like morons. They manage to walk right by Rachel with her flaming pinkish red hair, which couldn’t stand out more in this country, and yet somehow they still miss them. And so much for the cute head kissing stuff, these two were in full battle mode at this point. They couldn’t figure out what they were doing. I started thinking they were looking for the real Hillary Clinton or Washington, D.C. or something. What a mess these two were.

Back to the border patrol guys and the water task. Art and JJ finally get their water jugs full and deliver them to the house. One proceeds to say, “Enjoy your water!” What a dumb comment. Good thing they can’t understand the local language, I’m sure that lady was saying “F you” in return. Whatever. Anyway, this show is looking like it’s going to heat up soon because Rachel and Dave failed to make good on the pact—they do not U-turn anyone. Uh oh. These border patrol guys are not going to take this one lightly. Can’t wait to watch the fallout from this one. The guys are rattling on about how they think they can trust Dave and Rachel and don’t think they would betray them. The only thing that could’ve been worse would have been if Dave and Rachel U-turned Art and JJ. Would’ve loved to see that one. Anyway, Art and JJ U-turn Rachel and Brendon and just presume that they were ahead of Dave and Rachel. They’ll find out they are wrong soon enough.

Next, Brendon and Rachel realize they’ve been u-turned by Art and JJ. Shocker! LOL! OMG! Rachel is pissed. In typical fashion, these two get personal and decide to U-turn Vanessa and Ralph. Dumb move, to me. They probably should’ve put the final nail in Nary and Jamie’s coffin to ensure Rachel and Brendon didn’t finish last. I guess it’s not a totally dumb move though, because pissing off Vanessa and Ralph won’t matter all that much. They hate them anyway.

Ralph and Vanessa get to the U-turn and realize that Brendon and Rachel screwed them over yet again. They have a bit of a meltdown, griping on about how the odds are against them and that they are definitely getting eliminated. I was thinking they needed to get a bit of a grip. Nary and Jamie seem to still be in the States in comparison, and still have to complete the extra task, but we’ll have to see how far behind they really are.

2 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE – 4/16/12

  1. Dave is such a poor sport he had to elbow Bopper in the stomach when he tried to give him a sideway hug at the finish line just because he and Rachel didn’t finish in 1st – yet again? What a jerk!

    Love your comments about lions attacking sequins – hahahaha. I wanted green Rachel to do the bee challenge so much . . . thinking what a whiner she would be, but it all just passed too fast 🙁 Secretly, I was hoping for just one sting – just one 😉

  2. Dave probably isn’t a big of an ass as you think. It’s probably the military man coming out in him. That’s likely how he acts while working. Don’t read too much into it! You see how he acts once the stress is off.

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