AMAZING RACE – 4/16/12

April 16th, 2012 | 2 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 20

Getting closer to the end! Rachel and Dave, first again last week, are off first again. The racers are in Tanzania in Africa. Right off the bat, the border patrol guys are rattling on about how they are dying to use that U-turn on Rachel and Brendon. They apparently made a pact with Rachel and Dave (trying not to call her GF but it’s so annoying to be referring to more than one Rachel in one sentence). They’ve agreed to U-turn both Rachel and Brendon and Nary and Jamie. They are clearly looking to put that final nail in Nary and Jamie’s coffin, which have the extra task to deal with already this week. Smart strategy? I don’t really think so, myself. I would think the double U-turn is a great opportunity to try to get rid of one of the stronger teams. Nary and Jamie are not a stronger team. No way. Again, I would think it was preferable to be with weaker teams at the end of this thing, but that’s just me. Also, trying to U-turn Brendon and Rachel was clearly just based on them being two of the most annoying people on the planet—purely personal. They really aren’t that strong on the race and their “teamwork” which consists of constant bickering and I think their pattern of breaking up and making up during the race will sink their ship eventually. But, moving along from my thoughts on that, Art and JJ and Rachel and Dave have made a pact to U-turn those two teams, depending on who arrived at the U-turn first. Guess we’ll see how that plays out.

In a completely unsurprising turn of events, Rachel reveals that she made the “haterade” comment that is the title of this show. She seriously seems to think she is in grade school or something. I wonder how many times a day she types LOL! or says O-M-G. I had to laugh when I heard her say “shocker!” about 12 times this episode. Anyone who watched Big Brother knows that she liked to mimic and make fun of Daniele for saying that on the show. Yeah, it was annoying. Daniele did say it way too much. But Rachel is pretty much the last person who should be calling anyone else out for being annoying, right? Anyway, here she is overusing yet another juvenile phrase. Yay.

Not sure if anyone else took note of how lovey dovey everyone was in the little caravan ride through Africa before the real racing really began. All oohs and aahs over the landscape and the animals. Ralph and Vanessa are so cute, he even kisses her on top of the head. Aww. Bopper and Mark marveled over the animals that they finally figured out were zebras. In the “duh” category, Nary says “WilDERbeests” and Rachel tells Dave she likes the “BAMboons.” I was with Dave and thought she just mispronounced it accidentally until she repeated “BAMboons” again and didn’t seem to comprehend that she was wrong. She’s probably one of those people I can’t stand that still thinks it’s ValenTIME’S Day. Sorry to repeat that one, but I really hate that. Anyway, Brendon and Rachel are even getting along for a minute during the ride in. Of course, she utters more of the genius she is known for: “This is so much cooler than a zoo!” Yeah, if only some of these animals would attack. THAT would be cool. Damn, why can’t lions be attracted to green sequins or something.

Everyone seems so relaxed during the ride except for the border patrol guys. They start getting all uptight about spending too much time looking around at the animals and landscape. One of them says that they need to basically focus and stop looking around so much. They can look around all they want once they win the million and fly back. I was just not sure what exactly they were hoping to accomplish. What could be done from a strategy perspective during the ride in that they were not doing? Made no sense to me. I just found that whole exchange annoying.

The teams start arriving at the Detour. They have to choose between filling a bunch of water jugs with hoses after waiting in a really long line or finding and fixing a leak in a bike tire. The border patrol guys pick the water task. They are amazed at the long line they have to wait in. I mean, this is a challenge. Did they expect to just fill up some jugs and move on? Anyway, they were so frazzled at having to just sit and wait in line; I thought they may try to butt to the front of the line. I would’ve liked to have seen the punishment for that one. I picture a catapult flinging them off into the distance to be torn apart by lions. Luckily for them, they were smart enough to not try to move to the front, though they weren’t happy about it. They start doing the math and figure it will take them about 40 minutes to make it to the front. Oh no. This kind of time risks their first place finish! Wah.

I had to laugh when Rachel tells Brendon that filling up water jugs sounded too hard and that they should do the bikes task instead. Really? Filling up water jugs is HARD? Not really. Maybe when you have the same amount of brain cells as your sequin headband it’s a little more of a challenge.

2 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE – 4/16/12

  1. Dave is such a poor sport he had to elbow Bopper in the stomach when he tried to give him a sideway hug at the finish line just because he and Rachel didn’t finish in 1st – yet again? What a jerk!

    Love your comments about lions attacking sequins – hahahaha. I wanted green Rachel to do the bee challenge so much . . . thinking what a whiner she would be, but it all just passed too fast 🙁 Secretly, I was hoping for just one sting – just one 😉

  2. Dave probably isn’t a big of an ass as you think. It’s probably the military man coming out in him. That’s likely how he acts while working. Don’t read too much into it! You see how he acts once the stress is off.

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