April 9th, 2012 | 2 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 20

We are back, having had an extra week to prepare ourselves to deal with Rachel from Big Brother and her constant meltdowns again. May as well dive right back in because we all know it’s going to happen this week too.

Dave and Rachel are off first, having finished first last time. I got caught staring at that big forehead again, trying to figure out why it looks so weird. I actually think that she’s got a receding hairline; and paired with that forehead, it looks so large. Not to mention she insists on pulling her hair back, which only exacerbates the problem. Anyway, I’ll move along…I know I’m way too transfixed with Rachel’s head.

So, Art and JJ open the show by declaring that they are the frontrunners. We continue with the ongoing “We’re the best!” theme. What a tremendous shock. What makes no sense though is that they said that they need to get the dead weight to fall out of the Race so that they can win. Uh, I think you are forgetting guys that it’s the dead weight that in the end will help you win the million dollars. Those are the last people you want to get booted out of the Race too soon. You want to somehow be standing at the end with the two weakest teams. That’s not that hard of a concept, is it? Those snowboarders getting ousted last season really opened the competition up for the remaining teams.

The teams learn in the first clue that they are headed for Africa. In the ticketing office, some kind of drama starts to unfold between Art and JJ and Brendon and Rachel. I guess it’s kind of been brewing for awhile, though it really has only been alluded to up to this point. Anyway, while Art and JJ are getting their tickets printed, they pretty much proceed to act like they are in 3rd grade, covering their papers from potential cheaters or something. They inform the ticket agent that he is not to tell Brendon and Rachel which flight they are on and basically only whisper in the guy’s ear after that. Of course, Rachel is always one to put fuel on the fire and perches herself just about right on top of them to listen in on which flight they are getting. This angers the border patrol guys. In an aside, Rachel says that Art and JJ don’t like them because don’t think they deserve to be here. I must say, I don’t really care for Rachel or Brendon either but what exactly did they others do to “earn” being there over those two? Everyone is pretty much nobody.

2 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE – 4/9/12

  1. I also would love for Mark and Bopper to win…I love them and we all know they really need the money…used to like the Border Patrol guys but after this episode I hate them just as much as I hate the Divorcees…really hoping neither of them win…by the way…I love your recaps…thanks for doing this Kim.

  2. It blows my mind that someone as stupid as Rachel Reilly actually has a B.S. in Chemistry. She must have taken as few English courses as possible and spent all her time in the lab, or she’s faking all the stupidity. The pole is ‘holded’? She confuses Bolivia with Bermuda? She has no idea what a ‘beard’ is? And whining like a 12 year old brat all the time? I honestly do not understand what Brendon and Rachel see in each other.

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