AMAZING RACE – 3/19/12

March 21st, 2012 | 2 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 20

We’re back to the million letter castle. Danny announces that he’s never been in a castle this old. Uh, I’d venture to say you’d never been in ANY castle before from the looks of you. My guess is he’s counting one of the princess castles from Disney World that was built in the 80s or something. He does understand that that doesn’t really count, right?

We’re back to Rachel and Brendon at the gingerbread challenge. Like many that came before her and will come after her, the witch declares Brendon and Rachel’s gingerbread house complete in order to just get rid of them. Rachel had just started with the tears and bickering so the witch apparently thought it was a good time to get them out of her hair. Lesson learned on this leg of the Race: If you’re annoying enough, the people in charge will be much quicker to declare that you’ve finished a task successfully. I think the gingerbread house could’ve been a melted pile of mush and that witch would’ve still sent them on their way. “Yep, it’s perfect! Buh, bye!”

Anyone else twitch hearing Jamie talking about buying tickets for a “TOO-ER.” Ugh, they filmed her mentioning the “too-er” about four times in 10 seconds. Wow, does she talk weird. The word is “tour,” dummy. It was out of nowhere too, because she doesn’t sound like she has an accent or anything. That was the first thing that hit me about her interview. The second thing that hit me was “Who the hell IS this again?” I seriously couldn’t remember that these two were even still in the race. I had no idea who this blonde chick was when they showed her. My guess is that these two won’t be winning or we’d be seeing a little more of them. Anyway, these morons finally realize they don’t need tickets to a “too-er” of this castle because they are at the wrong freaking one. How do you screw that one up? You’ve got a clue with a name for the castle with 27 letters in it that you need to find and you still somehow walk into a castle with a different name on it?

We join Rachel and Brendon at the curling challenge and somehow, she’s done another wardrobe change. She’s now wearing florescent yellow leg warmers. Wow. It’s seriously like she’s raided Madonna’s closet from 1984. Of course, this styling is arguably a little better than the Bavarian couture we’ve been seeing. I don’t think I’d want to live in Bavaria. I guess it’s so cold that no one gives a sh*t and everyone just wears those awful patterned sweaters. They seem to usually be brown in color with various snowflake patterns on them and stuff. Those sweaters aren’t even cool at Christmastime here, but in Bavaria, they look to be part of their uniform. Everyone has them on. Except for those wearing lederhosen, that is. Either way, I gotta give the Bavarians an “F” for style.

If someone told you that “Git Er Done” was going to be uttered this episode, would you think it was the Kentucky guys or Nary and Jamie? Yeah, me too. Could not believe that it came out of the girls. I totally hate that phrase by the way. Thanks a lot, you dumbass cable guy. The best part is being stuck listening to him as the hick voice of Mater 75 times a day when I’m stuck watching “Cars” with my kids. I think what really pisses me off is that this jerkoff probably makes $100K every time someone uses that dumb phrase.

Anyway, we’re finally to the pit stop. Wow, this one is sure different. More proof that Bavaria is a place I want to avoid. They could find no better location for the pit but a barn with a ton of cattle, hay and poop. Poor Phil has to sit around there sniffing that smell until all the teams check in? I’m thinking he was probably pretty pissed off about that one.

Pit stop:
1. Art & JJ (Okay, starting to get on my nerves. If they said it once, they said it 400 times this episode that they were still in first place).
2. Joey Fitness and Danny
3. Vanessa and Ralph (Vanessa says, “We got in a little spat.” Yeah, if “spat” equals Ralph being 10 seconds away from beating your face to a pulp in a fit of ‘roid rage.)
4. GF and Dave
5. Brendon and Rachel (Him falling right on his ass at the pit stop? Yes, made my night. The best part is that he slipped on poop. You know he had sh*t all over his ass after that fall. Loved the “Ding!” sound effect they dubbed in when he fell. Made you think he had hit his head on that metal pipe first.)
6. Bopper and Mark
7. Nary and Jamie
8. Kerri and Stacy (Eliminated).

Did anyone else have a ticker running on the bottom of the screen about next casting call? Ours is apparently being held at a Season’s Pizza in Wilmington, DE. This is a huge multi-Emmy award winning show, right? Yet the casting call is at a local pizza joint? It’s not like these are even big restaurants (I think Season’s is only in PA, DE, MD and maybe Jersey). For those not familiar, they are mostly focused on take-out though they do have small seating sections as well. Are they planning on casting in the parking lot? This just seems weird to me. Kind of like a casting call at a local Wal-Mart or something. I wonder if the rest of the casting calls are at these kinds of locations….

Anyway, see you all next week!

Written by: Kim Wilson
Twitter: @kwilson111

2 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE – 3/19/12

  1. “I don’t even know what a beard is” . . . still cracks me up. Mark & Bobber are starting to grow on me – seem like nice guys. Army Rachel & hubby – Amazing Race is NOT the way to reconnect in your marriage. This is going to test your marriage. The dating/married couples are all drama this year – yikes! “I don’t even know what a beard is” . . . . I never watched Big Brother – now I’m really, really glad!

  2. Kim, I love you. You are doing a great job! Seriously, isn’t Rachel Reilly annoying enough to give you hives? Every time she turns on the tears and starts to whine I want to put my foot through the TV. Can’t imagine what Brendon sees in her – maybe she’s his charity project for the foreseeable future. I watched Big Brother both seasons Rachel and Brendon were on. They were annoying both times … and nothing has changed.

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