AMAZING RACE – 3/12/12

March 12th, 2012 | 3 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 20

Week Four of the Race. All the previews looked to show a virtual implosion of Rachel and Brendon this week. Guess we’ll see if they make it through. Or if we do. They are calling it Mission Impossible for them this week. It’s more like Mission Impossible for us to watch them from what I’ve seen so far.

Art & JJ, having come in first last week, are off first to Italy. Wow. Plane leaves at 9:15 am and arrives next day around 10:35 am. Should make for a fun travel day.

Brendan and Rachel are so excited to go to Italy because that’s where they’ll apparently be honeymooning. That’s a big IF they get married. Is it possible that these two actually make it down the aisle? Even if they do, they’ll beat Kim Kardashian’s record of 72 days with Kris Humphries for sure. I mean, if you can’t control how juvenile and annoying you are with your significant other on national TV, can you imagine how bad it is in real life with these two? One person leaves the toilet seat up, someone’s head is getting blown off.

“The Southerners”—apparently the politically correct term the Race is using for our resident hillbillies. Anyway, they are very excited to be going to Italy. I must say that being PC about what you are calling them kind of falls away when you have banjo music constantly playing in the background. We’re not idiots, we get that you are playing up the “hick” angle, CBS. The guys yell how excited they are to be going “somewhere tropical!” Hmmmmm. Vineyards, Cathedrals, Pasta, History, yes. Tropical? Uh, I guess where the boot meets the Caribbean but not my first thought when I think of Italy. You can’t help but like these guys though.

Unfortunately, the Southerners didn’t realize to go to the travel agency before they hit the airport. BF Rachel makes the Captain Obvious comment that “maybe they won’t be able to get on the same flight as us then.” Brilliant stuff, Rachel. Love how she said it as if she was actually concerned for the team while half of her lip is curled up in a smile. Comes across kind of like Austin Powers or something. All we were missing was the evil laugh.

Holy shite, what exactly is Big Brother Rachel wearing? Thought she couldn’t beat the sequin forehead band from last week, but apparently she was up to the challenge. She’s got some Solid Gold dancer outfit on circa 1983 or so. There’s a yellow/lime green shirt with sparkles or something worn over stretch pants and—no way—hunter green fuzzy leg warmers. Wow. She seriously looks like one of the Muppets. Why she’s wearing a freaking beret in Italy is beyond me also, but it just completes the look. Vanessa starts with the barbs about what she’s wearing and I can’t say I blame her on this one.

3 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE – 3/12/12

  1. Am I the only one who was hoping (ok, I was darn near begging) for BB Rachel’s rappelling rope to snap and cause her to fall into a crumpled heap at the bottom of that spiral whatever it was? There’s never been a more annoying person in the history of television than Rachel.

    The only reason Brendan can be sticking with her is for the occasional 5 minutes of reality show fame. Otherwise he would have slit her throat a long time ago. I know I would have, and I can put up with a lot of crap. Her? She would have been toast within 10 minutes with me.

  2. K, maybe I better read the blog next time before commenting….lol. Glad you also think Rachel needed to take the fast elevator to the bottom without a parachute. Friggin’ annoying bitch… Here’s hoping she comes across a mafia boss who doesn’t like the way she dresses. Or better yet, since they’re currently in Turin, lets wrap her in a shroud and stuff her into a cave for the scientists to discover in 2000 years. I can already hear them asking why such an ugly f’ing person was wrapped in a shroud like Jesus. Its no way to abuse such an expensive shroud.

  3. No one is commenting on Vanessa’s comment about “not having that much sausage since high school”? OMG! And BB Rachel needs to be gone!

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