March 5th, 2012 | 3 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 20

We’re next reminded again that there is new duo in this season that finds the need to lie about their profession. Still not sure what the strategy is in that one for these two. Nary and Jamie are apparently federal agents of some kind who are instead saying they are teachers. These two say that it’s because they want everyone to think they are “overly nice.” They must not have gone to Catholic school because I can tell you, those nuns were teachers and most weren’t nice. Unless you count erasers flying at children’s heads as nice. Still, I’m not sure what this strategy is all about. I guess so they don’t get u-turned later on because they won’t be seen as a threat? Wish I could tell them not to worry, the fact that they are never coming near first place will accomplish the same thing. Anyway, they certainly succeed in their strategy of making the others think they are way too freaking nice because they basically build a fire and send smoke signals to all the other teams to suggest that they all try to get on standby also. Real smart strategy, girls. These two are federal agents? Thought you had to be smart and strategic to do that kind of thing, but I guess not. Not sure they quite understood that the more people that got on that first flight, the more direct competition there would be. I’m guessing the government won’t be missing these two brainiacs while they are away.

Next, Bopper and Mark try to negotiate with the ticket agent about getting an earlier standby position. The best part was that you seriously could not make out one word that was said. If I was in the dark, I can’t imagine this Spanish speaking ticket agent had any clue what they were saying. I haven’t watched the show in ages, but they sound like that character on King of the Hill that just rattles on with a Southern accent but you can’t understand one word of it. I’m sure some of you know who I’m talking about.

Looks like in addition to Rachel/Dave and the Border patrol guys that Nary/Jamie and Bopper/Mark are on the first flight. That one leaves at 8:45am. The next flight is at 10:40am. This second group better hope the first plane crashes or something because a two hour setback is not going to help.

I’d just like to say how ironic it was that Rachel attacked Vanessa for being overly made up yet thinks it’s normal to run a race with a green sequined headband worn across the middle of her forehead like Prefontaine or something. I almost could’ve predicted before the season started that there would be a girl that Rachel would be threatened by in the Race that Rachel would decide was a mortal enemy. Apparently she’s got some idea that Brendon is a real catch that every other female wants desperately. If you’re ugly, Rachel’s your best friend. But if you got a huge set of boobies and a pretty face, look out, the war is on.

Mark was back in King of the Hill mode. Hearing him trying to read a clue with a ton of Spanish words in it was just classic entertainment. To say he sounded like a kindergartener trying to read would be a step up from the actuality of it. Hilarious, in my opinion.

Not sure who designed these tasks, but I have no idea why we’re dropped at a playground with a bunch of barbecue grills intermeshed. Also perplexing was what purpose was served by watching these morons all slide down the slides before and after finding the clue. Kind of a useless “task” all around if you ask me. To me, should’ve just had a clue box located there instead.

The clue leads the teams to choose between “Stacked up” or “Strung out.” Thought we’d be choosing between a Hooters challenge and an Intervention episode for a second there. But apparently stacked up involved stacking a ton of watermelons into a pyramid like the vendors in Paraguay do. I must ask, do these vendors actually DO this to sell watermelons and if so, WHY? I mean, it wouldn’t take long til you get a kid that’s going to decide it would be funny to grab a watermelon from the bottom just for kicks. Would make for a nice FML moment for sure at least once per day if you’re that vendor. Anyway, the “Strung Out” task involves stringing 36 strings on a harp.

Border patrol guys head right for the watermelons. Then they rattle on about how they aren’t afraid of hard work and are used to working hard because they catch “the bad guys” in their line of work. They say that the bad guys are people who smuggle illegals across the border and the drug mules. I don’t know, busting vehicles with the “bad guys” in them doesn’t exactly sound like digging trenches or building a railroad, but hey, what do I know. Then again, we’re just talking stacking watermelons in the first place, right?

GF and Dave are throwing watermelons around and Rachel says she’s pretty sure won’t be able to have babies after this. Oh darn, so much for passing down that giant forehead. On behalf of the entire genetic pool, we’d like to thank the Amazing Race. Anyone else wondering what the hell she was talking about anyway? What does moving watermelons around have to do with the ability to procreate? Not sure I get the connection.

3 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE – 3/5/12

  1. All I kept noticing last night was someone’s GIANT FOREHEAD! Thanks for pointing it out. 🙂 Another great recap!

  2. Great recap. Thanks! I can’t stand her. I want to pick up my TV and throw it through my window. That chick is the most annoying human being in the world! Rachel…your 15 min. were up a long time ago..go away!

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