March 5th, 2012 | 3 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 20

Here we are at week three already! Let’s get right to it. G.F. Rachel and Dave were in first again, so they also leave first. Flying to Paraguay from Buenos Aires. Smart move on Rachel’s part, she’s wearing a hat for most of the episode. I may even lay off her large forehead a little. It’s gonna be hard though because even the theme of the show has to do with heads. I’ll see what I can do.

Border patrol is a close second in leaving and they seem pleased they are headed for another Spanish-speaking country. They say that they will dominate because of it. Uh huh. Didn’t do them much good in the last leg of the race if I remember correctly. Guess we’ll see. Thanking the taxi drivers and saying “Faster!” in Spanish doesn’t seem to be all that above the other contestants. Maybe the accent is a little more authentic, but ultimately, I’m not hearing long conversations or anything out of these two.

Dave and Rachel arrive at the airport and want to be on standby to be able to catch the first flight out of Buenos Aires. The ticket agent tells them they have to go to a different counter to get on standby. Apparently this basic concept doesn’t register with Dave because he’s still dumb enough to ask “We can’t do that HERE?” Um, I’m guessing that if she could do that “here” she wouldn’t have sent you to another counter, right? Dave’s probably one of those morons that asks how much something costs at a dollar store. Not all the cylinders are firing in that head of his.

3 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE – 3/5/12

  1. All I kept noticing last night was someone’s GIANT FOREHEAD! Thanks for pointing it out. 🙂 Another great recap!

  2. Great recap. Thanks! I can’t stand her. I want to pick up my TV and throw it through my window. That chick is the most annoying human being in the world! Rachel…your 15 min. were up a long time ago..go away!

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