AMAZING RACE – 12/4/11

December 5th, 2011 | 4 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 19

Jeremy and Sandy seem to have had some trouble—they crashed onto a sandbar and their boat gets stuck. I wonder how deep this water is if that thing capsizes or something. Anyway, once the racers get to the shore they have to sign up for times to get a tattoo. I’m guessing we’re talking henna or something. Can’t imagine these people signed away the right to say no to a real tattoo before this show. You think any of them really thought they were getting a real tattoo? No way. Hey, you want to freak these people out tell them they are getting circumcised in the morning. Give them that little nugget to sleep on, especially the ones that are already circumcised.

Marcus lands on the island, sees the natives, and makes some highly thoughtful and racially sensitive comment about getting a crash course in head shrinking. Uh, Marcus? That is kind of like a big insult. Can you think of something you really wouldn’t like to be called? Yeah? Well, it’s similar to that and definitely not a compliment. Let’s think before we speak, okay? I was just glad they didn’t end up near Auschwitz or anything on this leg, who knows what kind of stupid insulting crap he’d be saying. Oh well, at least for once it wasn’t more football blabber. Of course, as expected, that came next. “Uphill climb…blah blah…we are up to the challenge…blah blah blah.” Yawn….moving along…..

So henna tattoos it was. Those tattoo people really sucked by the way. My 2-year-old son could’ve done a better job. The paint was all running and dripping. I wonder if these people even have tats in their culture or if the show just threw this part in. They sure didn’t seem like they’d ever done this before. Pretty bad when they are 50 times worse at it than the pimply-faced teenage chick with 75 various piercings all over her face at some weird incense-smelling shop.

Andy and Tommy are first to the Roadblock – “Walk tightrope.” They have to walk the wire 35 stories above the city from one skyscraper to the other and back. Of course these guys are not scared at all and just scale it really quickly. I must say the two aren’t flustered by pretty much anything. I doubt they’d have blinked even if there were no safety harnesses. I’m guessing they could be stuck in a frigging avalanche having to gnaw off their own arms and they’d still be cracking jokes and calling each other “dude.”

Sandy and Jeremy arrive next at the roadblock and apparently Sandy’s afraid of heights. I wanted to repeat it for you, because I wasn’t sure you picked up on it when she only mentioned it 18 times. I just don’t get the logic of some of these people. So you’ve got a partner you know is deathly afraid of heights and you proceed to do the majority of the other roadblocks? I mean, duh…you got to know a height one is coming up eventually that the other person is going to get stuck doing. So meanwhile, Jeremy probably covered the roadblock that consisted of riding a bike and now she’s stuck walking a tightrope 4000 feet up above the city. As an added kick, she gets to listen to her butthole partner and his useless “keep going…keep moving…keep pushing…almost there” pep talk crap. Seriously, shut up already.

Well, I must say I’m glad Cindy’s up there on the wire. I do realize I should not get my hopes up that we get a failing wire or anything. Did she just say “Holy balls?” Huh? That mustache has her a bit confused, I guess. Anyone else notice that her sneakers looked like she hadn’t worn them since she cut the grass wearing them in 1987 or something? Come on, get a new pair of sneakers already. Or at least run a hose over them before you appear on national TV, ok?

Ernie and Cindy finish the tightrope (damn, no deaths) and Ernie sounds annoyed that his taxi driver had been talking with the other drivers about where to go. Okay, I see Sandy being annoyed because they were in first place and first to leave. But Ernie, you dummy, your taxi driver got the info from Sandy’s. So stop crying like a little girl and get over it. You benefited from that little taxi driver pow wow yourself.

4 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE – 12/4/11

  1. I love your recaps!!!! I have to agree with you about the snowboarders…so sad to see them leave…I absolutely thought they would be in the final 3…hate hate Cindy and can only hope and pray they do not win…I have to root for Marcus & Amani…they to me are the best out of the 3 left…just want to say thanx for doing this recap and I hope you will do it again next season.

  2. You started out so well, then got really negative again. But, I enjoyed this column a lot more then your last few. I imagine it’s difficult when you don’t have a lot to work with (Ernie and Cindy/Jeremy and Sandy), but throw some positives in there occasionally and you’ll; do just fine!
    I got great satisfaction over this comment:
    4. Andy/Tommy (Eliminated). I am now really sorry they are out. These two were very classy about being eliminated. I have to think those two custom ‘Stangs waiting at home made them feel a little better about it.

    I got such a kick out of these two, and last night was such a bummer. Who the heck ever thought these two WOULDN’T be in the finale??!! I can’t stand Cindy, feel slightly better about Jeremy and Sandy, and while Amani and Marcus aren’t the best or most competitive racers, they are the best human beings out of the bunch.
    I’m not so excited about the finale now, as I thought the boys would go all the way. You have to admit they were so much fun to watch, and a lot of that was because they were having such a good time. How could you not enjoiy the combination of competitiveness and great attitudes!

  3. Sorry to tell you, Kim, you’re the idiot here because French is one of the 3 official languages in Belgium. The other 2 are Dutch and German. By the way, I’m not Cindy. I’m a German with two Belgian friends. One of them is from the Flemish part (his mother tongue is Dutch, but he also speaks French), the other one is from the French part (she doesn’t speak any Dutch, but has studied a bit of German in school). Oddly enough, I talk in Spanish to both of them (we were flatmates in Spain). Sorry about the smarty-pants talk, but as a European it’s sth so obvious to me that I cannot help but comment (unless of course you were joking, then I’m the idiot who didn’t get it). I like watching the Amazing Race, esp. when they go to places I have been to. I loved the leg in Denmark because I recognized a lot of places they went. I have been to Copenhagen several times and even drove the distance from there to Northern Germany myself. When they went to Legoland, I recalled childhood memories of the numerous times I had been there with my family (I’m from right on the border to Denmark, so it’s close. Also, my granny is Danish and I spent all my childhood summer vacations in a beach house in Northern Denmark)

  4. Actually, RS, the piece of paper that taxi driver saw was Jeremy’s little rendition of the building/tower thing on one of the dancers. He showed it to the driver and the driver said he knew what building it was. It wasn’t the producers or anything like that.

    I really liked the snowboarders, Andy and Tommy. They were gracious, humorous, and good people. Not to mention very humble. I think it’s highly unfair that the taxi drivers called all the other drivers, except the snowboarders, which lead to their exit.

    Amani and Marcus work hard and never give up. That is why they are in the final 3. They deserve to be there. I’m rooting for them to win.

    Ernie and Cindy (mostly Cindy) are annoying. She cries and complains all the time! (Notice how Amani and Marcus build each other up and work together so well…hmm, maybe they could learn from them).

    Jeremy and Sandy…what to say about them except, “who are they again?” Not my favorite.

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