AMAZING RACE – 11/27/11

November 28th, 2011 | 2 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 19

Ernie and Cindy are already at the next task.  They need to release hundreds of homing pigeons and catch up with them at another location to get the next clue.  Cindy wants to know if she has to touch them because they are so gross.  Ironically, the pigeons asked the very same question about her. They must not be all that smart because had they comprehended what she said, I’m assuming she would’ve been wiping some bird sh!t out of her hair.  
We quickly see that “mind” problem with Tommy again that Andy was talking about.  Tommy barely could get the words out while reading his clue.  He basically says “ho-ho-ho-homing pi—geon.”  He sounds it all out like a 1st grader learning to read.  I immediately thought of that scene in “Billy Madison” where Adam Sandler yells out to the poor stuttering kid, “To-to-to-day, Junior!”  
Anyway, lack of reading skills or not, Andy and Tommy are first to their pigeon and sent on to the Atomium pit stop.  Seriously, do these pigeons really deliver stuff?  Or do they release the pigeons and then have a different pigeon just waiting at each location with a clue attached to its foot?  If it is the same one, I’m hoping Ernie and Cindy’s bird decides to head to Florida for the winter or something.
And Ernie finally gets annoyed with Cindy.  Wow, he has a high tolerance for torture, but finally he erupts.   She whines about why he drove by a restaurant when they should’ve been getting directions from it.   “ I couldn’t park there because people are on my ass so chill the hell out! “  Haha.  Just open her door and push her out, Ernie.  You know you want to.  Cindy then starts obsessing about their still being 30 minutes out despite being lost for an hour or something. She’s talking about it costing them first place, but I’m still hoping they get eliminated.  
Bill and Cathi again manage to find someone for directions that sucks.  I know, I know, “language barrier.”  But in any language this guy would suck at imparting directions.  He is like Marcel Marceau miming directions every which way with his hands and making no sense whatsoever.  He didn’t seem to actually be giving out any street names or anything.  Kind of sounded like “turn left, then turn right, then go around the bend, then go straight up in the air…then…”  Good directions if you are lost in a corn maze.  If you’re trying to navigate a city, not so much.  He seemed kind of drunk to me.  Or maybe he was just messing with them for sh!ts and giggles.  Who knows.  
Pit stop order:
(1) Andy/Tommy – Christ better forgive ME now because I am so freaking jealous they each get a custom Mustang.  
(2) Jeremy and Sandy
(3) Ernie and Cindy – (Damn!)  Cindy was totally pissed off she didn’t come in first.  Again acting like she was right on the snowboarders heels or something.  You came in third.  Get over it.  
(4) Amani and Marcus (more incomprehensible NFL talk.  I won’t bore you by translating it).  
(5) Bill and Cathi – Kind of obvious they were getting eliminated.  They start showing their goodbye reel before they even check in at the pit stop.  (Eliminated).  
Previews for next week:  Hard to even keep up with the clip because it was all over the place…lots of chaos in Panama and the racers look pretty stressed…looks like a VERY high wire act that looks totally scary.  No more pushing easy puzzle tiles around, we’re entering “Fear Factor” land now.  Praying for some broken wires this week or, at the very least, maybe a pigeon landing on Cindy’s head up there.  
See you next week!
Written by:
Kim Wilson
Twitter:  @kwilson111

2 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE – 11/27/11

  1. Kim, I am also from Delaware and have a great dislike for Cindy and Ernie. The show this season is a drag, can’t wait for it to end……but do enjoy your blog

  2. “Cindy wants to know if she has to touch them because they are so gross. Ironically, the pigeons asked the very same question about her.”…….that one made my day lol!!!! great job :O)

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