AMAZING RACE – 11/27/11

November 28th, 2011 | 2 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 19

Ernie and Cindy reach the detour first.  It’s Waffle or Water.  Either assemble a waffle stand and bake and decorate 18 waffles or assemble a makeshift boat made out of barrels, rope and logs and drive it to the next clue.
Ernie and Cindy pick the waffles.  While Cindy is trying to assemble this stand, it almost looks like the whole thing may cave in on her.  I get my hopes up momentarily, but it doesn’t happen.  Cindy quickly moves into typical annoying mode with a series of rapid-fire questions.   “Why aren’t you doing this…Why aren’t you doing that…” “Why are Jeremy and Sandy so fast?”   Wow, that was annoying. Sounded like a 2 year old asking idiotic repetitive questions.  Can’t believe Ernie keeps his cool with her.   He should’ve asked her why she’s so effing annoying all the time.  
Jeremy and Sandy are next to the waffles.  Amani and Marcus originally pick the waffles, but see the others struggling and decide to switch to water.  Marcus starts assembling the boat thingy and asks where Laurence is when you need him.  Hopefully Marcus, at the bottom of a raw sewage treatment plant with the rest of the turds.  
Snowboarders arrive next and also pick water.  Speaking of turds, when they get the thing assembled, it looks like they are floating on two giant ones.  I could not believe that thing actually floated.  The snowboarders do well with the boat and they already have the clue before Amani and Marcus even get their thing in the water.  Gotta give Amani and Marcus credit, they don’t tend to panic. If I arrived first at the task and someone came after me and completed it before I had even put that boat in the water, I’d have been taking it out on someone.  
Ernie and Cindy struggle, but finish the waffles and head to the next location. Cindy realizes in the car that they had just left waffles burning.  She seemed to care for a half a second–Oh well, we’ll probably burn the whole city down, but who cares, we’re racing here.  
Cathi and Bill give up on the waffles pretty quickly and decide to do water.  They seem to be just behind Jeremy and Sandy, who are majorly struggling with their waffles.  
Jeremy and Sandy are ready to give up on their waffles because they can’t figure out what’s wrong with them.  They finally realize that they have two of them inverted.  Good thing they didn’t give up on the task, because they seemed pretty close to quitting.  

2 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE – 11/27/11

  1. Kim, I am also from Delaware and have a great dislike for Cindy and Ernie. The show this season is a drag, can’t wait for it to end……but do enjoy your blog

  2. “Cindy wants to know if she has to touch them because they are so gross. Ironically, the pigeons asked the very same question about her.”…….that one made my day lol!!!! great job :O)

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