AMAZING RACE – 11/20/11

November 21st, 2011 | 1 Comment | Posted in Amazing Race 19

Ernie and Cindy are up first and these bodybuilding judges didn’t look too impressed. They gave them a 3 and a 2. Awesome. I hope they never get to 12 points. I think Ernie got a 2 for having a small package or something.

The Snowboarders managed to get all of four points total. They each got ones, which I guess anyone would get automatically for breathing and wearing a Speedo. They better step up their game on this one.

Anyone notice the catcalls Marcus was getting from those old ladies in the audience? He’s in good shape and performs well and they get a 12 right away.

Snowboarders’ bodybuilding round 2: really bad scores the second time around too.

Ernie and Cindy’s round 2: She has got a serious bruise on her leg. Did Ernie finally lose it and kick her? Oh well, that’s that…they got a 12 that time. Better luck for me next week. My only hope now is that they’ll get a 3-hour penalty or something for not having their tickets.

Bill and Cathi go on and get a 3 because they can’t remember their poses. But I must say, these two look great for their age. It’s embarrassing for the rest of us that are half their age, seriously.

Snowboarders’ round 3: Andy kind of looked like a caveman in a speedo, which was a really disturbing thought. Kind of felt like a Geico commercial or something for a minute.

Next we are shown Amani and Marcus making their way to the pit stop. Would not mind Amani and Marcus winning one. They hail a taxi and race toward the finish. Marcus starts saying that he hasn’t been “that nervous since…..” and I completely braced myself for another football story. But I have to give him credit he ended it with “since I was in 3rd grade.” Unfortunately, he didn’t really explain what the hell he was talking about but I’m guessing they had to get footage of him not ending a thought with a football analogy. By the way, anyone else think that Amani sometimes looks like Dora the Explorer when she’s running around with her braids and backpack? I know Dora doesn’t have braids, but still I always have Dora in mind when I see Amani. Maybe it’s just me, stuck here with these kid shows on all the time.

Pit stop order:

1. Amani/Marcus (very happy for these two, though Marcus quickly reverts back to the annoying football talk).

Uh okay, they announce that the next leg of the race will start immediately and we get no more pit stop results. This was different. I guess I can still hope that there’s a crazy penalty and Cindy and Ernie get the boot, but the reality is that this is probably a non-elimination leg and they’d probably be fine either way.

So while waiting for the previews, not sure if all of you saw the new J.Lo commercial for Venus razors. Seriously, do these people think they can take their money with them when they die? I mean, how much is she worth by now? Movies, a clothing line, music?! She was worth a ton and THEN landed “American Idol.” Does she really need to peddle razors, Kohl’s and Fiats to us? And it’s not like Marc Anthony is broke either. She may get something out of that divorce, though not sure if he’s worth more than her. Not sure that’s possible, though I hear his fame is far more widespread in the Latin world.

Anyway, the preview kind of give it away that most of the racers are still in. I did notice that they did not show Bill and Cathi, and we last saw them struggling in the bodybuilding thingy. Maybe it was an elimination leg or it was a non-elimination and they just want to keep us guessing. We’ll have to wait until next week, I guess…

See you next week!

Written by:
Kim Wilson

Twitter: @kwilson111

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