AMAZING RACE – 11/20/11

November 21st, 2011 | 1 Comment | Posted in Amazing Race 19

Cindy enlightens us with the fact that she lived in Germany for a year. Of course, you did Cindy. I’m just not sure why she can’t still be living on some remote island somewhere instead of annoying me on this show. What is she, twenty-something and has been everywhere and lived everywhere? What the hell?!

The next clue reveals that the racers are headed to Cologne, Germany and then to Brussels, Belgium by train. Cindy and Ernie get their train tickets and Cindy quickly drops them on the ground in the station. Before this, I was questioning whether there is a God, but now I know there is. Now if they find them or this otherwise does not screw these two over, I will be back to questioning it. Isn’t it fun to watch a scene where a pair of racers you can’t stand realize their tickets are missing. You get a shot of them going crazy and almost stripping their clothes trying to find the missing item. Anyway, they try to buy new ones and realize they don’t have enough money. Cindy is close to crying with the realization of her failure and says “we’re toast.” Tee hee. Must say, I’m not that upset about it. Anyway, they question the ticket taker on the first train if she has a printer in her back pocket or something to reprint their connecting tickets to Brussels even though they have no receipt that they ever even bought them. I mean, duh. You seriously expected that one to work out? Cindy laments that “we went from a 4 hour lead to having no tickets…” Uh oh, Cindy. This may be Kim’s week. Maybe I’ll get to be thankful for one more thing this week. PLEASE, elimination leg, elimination leg, elimination leg.

Cindy and Ernie are all upset but they get on the connecting train anyway. I couldn’t wait to see how this played out. They look like they are freaking out contemplating when the ticket taker will come around. DAMN, DAMN, DAMN. I was hoping I’d get to see them tossed from the moving train like a couple of hobos, but here instead we have an incompetent ticket taking system on this frigging train. The freaking ticket taker never comes around. Seriously? Can I at least hope for a penalty at check in that will do them in?

Next the racers are stuck performing some bodybuilding routine with Speedos and bikinis on. I was not looking forward to this. I pretty much hate bodybuilding and hate Speedos. Oh poor Bill in that tiny Speedo. And Cathi was upset about her bikini, but seriously, this lady looks great for her age. I may have quit the race had someone made me get in one of those bikinis on national TV.

It was pretty hilarious seeing Marcus getting tanning lotion put on him. …Um, does he need a tan? Really? I get maybe greasing him up but I’m not exactly sure what the tanning part would accomplish.

And the Snowboarders – seriously, did they give them extra small Speedos or something? What the hell? They looked like they were in thongs. Yikes.

No offense, but the top of Bill’s pubes were visible in a couple of shots. Where was the prime time TV editing on that one. I have no interest in Bill’s bush, thanks.

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