AMAZING RACE – 11/20/11

November 21st, 2011 | 1 Comment | Posted in Amazing Race 19

Sandy is up next and she gets rejected too because she sucks at acting. I thought she stunk the next time around too, though Abe must’ve felt sorry for her or liked her boobs or something and let her go on. I would’ve sent her into a Round 3 myself.

Next clue leads the racers to Legoland Park. My 6 year old was in the room for this one. He kept asking if everything was made out of Legos there. I think they took the easy way out on that one, because the answer was obviously NO. I’m sorry, if I’m traveling to Europe to see Legoland, the freaking public toilets better be made out of those damn Legos at the park. I better be wiping my ass with Lego toilet paper. Especially considering the price of those things, what a rip off. For crap plastic! $30.00 and you get about 100 pieces, which sounds like a lot until you realize most of them are the size of a pinhead.

Ernie and Cindy are first at Legoland (dammit) and they have to assemble a train station Lego thingy while on a teacups-like spinning ride. Can I hope for someone to vomit and still have to assemble the thing with puke on the pieces? I am really hoping Ernie and Cindy trip up majorly soon. I want them out badly. Can’t the ride malfunction or something, start circling them at 200 mph and rocket them out of the teacup 500 feet or so? Is it really too much to ask?

Andy and Tommy are shown with a map about the same size of the car they are in. Good luck reading that thing. Somehow they make it to Legoland. Tommy seemed to have visited the gift shop at Legoland or something because he’s shown with some enormous plastic looking watch. It was about the size of his head and yellow. My son actually got a Lego watch that was blue and looked just like this for his birthday.

Jeremy and Sandy don’t seem to be doing well on the teacup ride. One of their pieces flew right out of the ride almost right away. They quickly start bickering, which is totally awesome, because there is nothing better than suffering through other people’s annoying jabs at each other. Finally, these two brain surgeons discover “we’re missing a piece.” Yet they can’t seem to figure out where it would be. I mean, wouldn’t it occur to them that when they first got in the ride their pieces were flying everywhere and that one piece may have flown right out of the car? Look on the ground dummies! Do you think they just shorted you a piece? Get a brain, seriously. So these two apparently get a WHOLE NEW KIT like losers instead of just looking on the ground for two seconds when the car stops.

Cathi and Bill somehow manage to find the one Italian guy in a pizza shop in this part of Europe. They can’t understand a word he says, so they pretend to understand his directions and move on to the next person to ask. When they finally make it to Legoland, they do a good job tackling the puzzle.

The puzzle clues the racers in that their next stop is the Hamburg Train Station in Germany.

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