AMAZING RACE – 11/13/11

November 14th, 2011 | 1 Comment | Posted in Amazing Race 19

My heart breaks as I see Cindy and Ernie running to the pit stop. Was kind of hoping the Earth would open up and suck them in but no such luck. Not even a penalty to stop them from checking in. I’m just hoping that trying to get first so badly on this leg may cost them the ultimate prize when someone gets pissed off and seeks revenge in the future. I can only hope. Anyway, I’m not sure why no one figured to U-turn the snowboarders. They seem to be the biggest competition out there. Not that it probably would have changed the result in this leg of the race.

And we’re back to Marcus and his usual halftime football pep talk. He rambles on about how if they were to finish before Jeremy and Sandy “it would be a last minute Hail Mary pass for us.” Here we go again. How has Amani not told him to shut the F up already? Anyway, lucky for Amani and Marcus, Jeremy and Sandy totally seem to suck at this leg of the race. Apparently, the basics of reading and following directions are impossible for them this time. Honestly, I’m surprised Jeremy didn’t reach back and slap Sandy in the car. What was up with her asking “What?” fifty times like a complete moron. You totally freaking effed up Sandy and headed the car completely the wrong way…THAT’S WHAT. And Jeremy hates you because you are stupid and have that dumb look on your face and keep asking “what” like a parrot. But hey, you asked.

Marcus and Amani reach the rabbit racing area. You’d think the Super Bowl was on the line or something the way he was cheering for that damn rabbit. Gotta give him some credit for enthusiasm anyway. At least he seemed to be in a little bit of a rush finally.

Laurence and Zac reach the U-turn and as expected, Laurence is pissed off. The word “bloody” was thrown around quite a bit. I think where he comes from that is like the F-bomb. Anyway, if him and Zac survive the night, someone should fully expect some retribution. This guy was really pissed off.

Amani and Marcus get to the U-turn spot and say that they choose not to U-turn anyone. Is it me or had we reached the limit of racers that could be u-turned already? There were no more boxes left to put pictures in, guys. Try to stay focused.

Wow, did Laurence just say “May the force be with you” again AND also say that the bunny is a friend of Bugs Bunny’s within a couple of sentences? May have to root to get rid of him this week. Three cheesy clichés on one show, especially one repeated, is my limit. The ground should’ve just opened up and swallowed him for it.

Anyway, Laurence and Zac finish the second half of the U-turn and then make their way to the pit stop. Laurence gets lost and starts cursing at the locals for not giving him directions he wants. They are stuck in some crazy traffic so he starts driving the shoulder and basically breaking a whole lot of traffic laws, none of which apparently help him to stay in the game.

Pit stop order:
1. Ernie/Cindy
2. Cathi/Bill
3. Andy/Tommy
4. Amani/Marcus – (how the hell did that happen?)
5. Jeremy/Sandy – Wow…I can’t believe Zac and Laurence didn’t beat them. That butter churning thing HAD to take longer than them finishing the bunny race. They must’ve been ridiculously lost in that car.
6. Zac/Laurence – (Eliminated) Zac confirmed that they were lost for 2 hours or something in the car, which is crazy. Laurence gets the typical “I’ll be yachting around the world next time instead” braggy reference in. Yeah, whatever.

Previews – Cindy shown hopefully getting tomatoes thrown at her during an acting performance with an Abraham Lincoln lookalike in attendance; Sandy getting sick on a teacups ride; a creepy bodybuilding scene or something where Ernie looks to have stuffed his Speedo (eww), we see poor Amani’s C-section scar and it looks like Cindy got punched in the leg because she’s got a huge bruise (I hope that’s exactly what happened). Anyone else think that Cathi and Bill looked ridiculously good for their age in these suits? They are in really good shape! Was not expecting that one. Anyway, the snowboarders don’t seem to be in this scene, so either they are way ahead or way behind. We’ll have to see.

See you next week!

Written by:
Kim Wilson

Twitter: @kwilson111

One thought on “AMAZING RACE – 11/13/11

  1. The people that reenact stuff do it as escapism, kind of like watching reality shows. I like your your recaps, but you’re awfully judgy. I’m glad you’ve come around on the snowboarders even though you’re not their biggest fans, because they may be goofy but my money is on them to win it all. I do, however, like you calling out the prick that is Zach’s dad, what a blowhard!

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