AMAZING RACE – 11/13/11

November 14th, 2011 | 1 Comment | Posted in Amazing Race 19

Zac finally completes his dance and it’s like these Danish reconstruction people were doing The Wave and backflips for him because it took him so freaking long. I think they feared he’d become part of their act because he’d just never be able to move on from there. Anyway, Laurence had to get a dig in that he’d have done quicker than Zac because it is his forte. First of all, lose the word “forte” already. I’m sick of it. But how is it that he has some advantage? Somehow I can’t see this guy ballroom dancing or anything. Just seemed to be another knock on Zac where this ass declares he’d have done better, as someone who does not actually have to do the task can easily say.

Ernie and Cindy finish their butter and arrive at a Double U-turn. Cindy’s usual paranoia about a team being too close to her when she’s trying to come in first leads her to U-turn Bill and Cathi. I thought it kind of sucked of her to do it. She makes a comment about feeling bad but that “this is about a million dollars” that I did not understand. If this were about the ultimate goal of winning a million dollars, wouldn’t she try to be ousting a stronger team, like the snowboarders? This was just about winning first place this week and whatever prize was attached to that. Again, it just goes to show that Cindy is afraid to not come in first. To me, she didn’t think this one out. Was winning first this week worth maybe Bill and Cathi u-turning her and Ernie in the future out of revenge—something that may knock them out of the race altogether? I can only hope that happens. And I must say it just feels wrong having someone sabotage the grandparents of the group. I mean, seriously, how mean is that?

Anyway, I felt less bad for Cathi when she referred to a windmill as a wind “MEEL.” Cathi and Bill also hop on the mean train and U-turn Zac and Laurence. I can’t wait to see how pissed off Laurence will be and how he will probably blame Zac’s sucky dancing as the reason they were able to pass them in the first place.

Onto the rabbit race: Bill with the rabbit was kind of like a Westminster dog show. He’s like petting this rabbit on the head and stuff. I almost expected him to start saying “Walkies! walkies!” while he was running this bunny. Apparently, this bunny was not up to snuff and they dump it and pick a better one. Bill even freaking names the rabbit “Speckles.” All very necessary, of course. But he and Cathi do pretty well and head to the next pit stop. They aren’t even all that mad at Ernie and Cindy for u-turning them except to call them “mean.” You’re right, guys. They are mean. And annoying. And hopefully gonna lose.

By the way, anyone else notice how freaky Amani’s makeup looked at the Renaissance dance task? They must not have had many black people in Denmark before because they clearly put white people makeup on Amani and it just looked creepy. Kind of like makeup on a corpse. Something was just not quite right. You’d think the Amazing Race would’ve seen that one coming and gotten her some appropriate makeup. I felt bad for her.

One thought on “AMAZING RACE – 11/13/11

  1. The people that reenact stuff do it as escapism, kind of like watching reality shows. I like your your recaps, but you’re awfully judgy. I’m glad you’ve come around on the snowboarders even though you’re not their biggest fans, because they may be goofy but my money is on them to win it all. I do, however, like you calling out the prick that is Zach’s dad, what a blowhard!

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