AMAZING RACE – 11/13/11

November 14th, 2011 | 1 Comment | Posted in Amazing Race 19

Cathi arrives at the dance Roadblock and just HAS to read the clue: “Who’s ready to take a few steps BAAAAck in time?” Oh, please take a few steps back off that tower. I like Cathi and Bill, but I really wish she’d stop talking. If she were a mime, I’d be rooting for these two. Now I have to hope for their demise just so I don’t have to hear her ever again.

Bill is next shown having a moment, talking of how he and Cathi met at the ages of 12 and 13 and married 8 years later after they graduated college. He’s almost in tears with the memory, but Cindy snaps him back to reality with her moving tale of how she met Ernie the Ultimate Wienie “At a bar over a shotsky.” Nice. Thought you’d have met at some kind of nerd convention, but anyway.

Unfortunately for me, Ernie seems to be a natural at this fruity Renaissance dancing stuff. Not the biggest shock, really. Cindy’s so giddy that he’s doing so well that I’m sitting here hoping one of his legs falls off or something. Then we can watch him try to perform the rest of the moves on one stump. No such luck. He breezes right through. Damn.

Cindy correctly comments that Zac has zero dancing skills. He has Renaissance-like hair, but that’s where the similarities end apparently. Laurence starts on the “This is not his forte” crap again. However, he was not quite in dick mode right away. He must’ve popped a valium or something. You can tell he’s getting pissed off each time Zac screws up but he still sounds supportive for awhile and even comments about how Zac must be even more frustrated than he is. We’ll see how long that act lasts.

Unfortunately, Ernie and Cindy are rolling in first place and wow, they are so annoying when they are doing well. Too giddy for me. I’m hoping someone catches up and runs them over again. Anyway, they arrive at the Detour. The Detour is a choice of “All Hopped Up” or “All Churned Up.” Racing rabbits over obstacles or churning and making six large pats of butter.

Ernie and Cindy decide to make butter. I sit here hoping their churn breaks, the building caves in, the rabbits invade, ANYTHING. I can’t stand these two in first place. I want them gone.

Back at the Renaissance Faire, Andy seems to be a natural at dancing which makes me happy, because I am dying for him and Tommy to physically steamroll Ernie and Cindy again at the pit stop.

Zac still sucks. Laurence is still trying to stay positive but you can just see him popping pills to not explode all over the place.

Marcus and Amani are next shown looking like they are lost driving around in Kansas or something. They have no clue where they are and looks like they are in the middle of nowhere. Marcus tries to ask for directions by standing in the middle of a roadway. Not brilliant. Is he seriously thinking someone will pull over? I’m not even sure these Danes have ever seen a black guy before. Anyway, someone does pull over and sets them on the right path. Marcus starts again with the football pep talk along the lines of “We just had a major turnover….but it’s not over till it’s over.” One of these times, I think it will be over Marcus. You and Amani kind of suck at taking this game seriously.

We’re back at the butter churning station. Unfortunately, no natural disasters have struck and they are still churning their butter. Seeing Ernie churning butter was disturbing, I must say. Kind of like a sneak peek into his typical Saturday night or something. I will not elaborate as I feel sick already.

One thought on “AMAZING RACE – 11/13/11

  1. The people that reenact stuff do it as escapism, kind of like watching reality shows. I like your your recaps, but you’re awfully judgy. I’m glad you’ve come around on the snowboarders even though you’re not their biggest fans, because they may be goofy but my money is on them to win it all. I do, however, like you calling out the prick that is Zach’s dad, what a blowhard!

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