AMAZING RACE – 11/13/11

November 14th, 2011 | 1 Comment | Posted in Amazing Race 19

And we’re back….I’d touch on the elimination interview with Jennifer and Justin but there wasn’t much interesting there. She was very apologetic that she killed their chances by waiting way too long at that one task. Beyond that, not much revealing in the interview. Justin didn’t seem that mad or anything.
Back to this week’s show: Snowboarders off first AGAIN. These two are no joke. They take off from Malawi headed for Copenhagen, Denmark. The clue instructs that flight availability is limited and suggests that the racers should try to make other arrangements.

Cindy and Ernie are whining that first place was stolen from them. Well, not quite guys. If you weren’t running around like complete morons with no clue where to go after blowing the Express Pass, the snowboarders wouldn’t have been a problem. If these two think that things are going to get easier or that another team is going to take a fall so that they win the million, they are definitely mistaken. You can kind of tell that Cindy’s used to being the smartest in the class and is totally frustrated that others have been beating them at the Amazing Race. Like studying for the Race would’ve made them unbeatable or something.

Zac and Laurence are shown negotiating to get on an alternate flight that puts them in Copenhagen the night before the original flight lands. Ernie and Cindy start cross examining them on which flight they are on and when it lands. One thing about Zac and Laurence—they apparently majorly suck at lying. Good news for their wives anyway. But they were so evasive and “uh uh uh” about answering Cindy’s questions that Cindy realizes there’s an alternate flight. Love how Cindy’s paranoia took over and made her obsess about Zac and Laurence beating them to Copenhagen. So she and Ernie make other arrangements that put them in Copenhagen at 11:00pm instead of 8:20am. Andy and Tommy and Sandy and Jeremy get a flight that puts them in at 10:30pm; Bill and Cathi end up on Cindy and Ernie’s flight.

A little aside about Cathi’s accent – sorry it came up now but when she told the agent she wanted a flight out of “AAAAAAfrica,” it was like nails on a chalkboard for me, and I figured this was a good time to bring it up. One of the readers of this blog pointed out that her voice is dead on to the Mom’s from “That 70s Show.” And she was right with that comparison. Sounds just like it. Now I know to never watch that show.

Anyway, Marcus and Amani seem to clearly be too relaxed about trying to get an early flight to Copenhagen. They don’t even try and just assume that other teams will be on their flight arriving the next morning too. Marcus starts talking basically about having a fun night out, eating out, etc. instead of worrying about looking for earlier flights. They are shown lounging in Amsterdam waiting for their flight while the other teams are already in Copenhagen. We’ll see how that works out for them. They seem to be a little too relaxed at this stage of the race.

So all the teams but Marcus and Amani get to Copenhagen the night before, but the first place does not open until 7:30am. Unfortunately for Marcus and Amani, their lack of motivation killed them. They are still working on catching a flight to Copenhagen while all the others are actually starting on the first clue. Luckily, it only seems to put them about an hour behind though.

The first destination has the racers climbing 400 steps looking for two clues – a flag and a banner that are clues to the next destination. Marcus and Amani better hope someone majorly bungles this one, because it doesn’t look all that involved to me.

The next clues lead the racers to their next destination – a castle, which is the location of the Roadblock. This one involves one of each pair learning and performing three Renaissance-era dances. This one could majorly screw someone up. I am remembering a couple people sucking at dances just like this last season, wasting hours on end and making fools of themselves in the process.

And I can add Laurence to the list of those making cheesy cliché-type jokes this season: He tells Zac “May the force be with you.” Please die d!ckhead. Hope that Zac can dance because I can see Laurence going all Henry VIII on him if he effs this one up.

I just have to comment on this – who ARE these people that do these reenactment-type scenes for a living? We have a lot of them in my area, with Gettysburg, PA not being too far away. But at least they are dressed as military men and can balance it out somewhat by wielding guns. But these Renaissance dance costumes? How fruity, seriously. You’d think these men would jump ship as soon as someone showed them those freaking tights. I know the economy is bad, but seriously. If there is a job below McDonald’s, this is it. It’s like the place all the nerds from the Drama Club in high school land after graduation or something.

Anyway, luckily for Amani and Marcus, Jeremy and Sandy seem to be sharing a brain all of a sudden. These idiots are shown wandering around that tower an hour later still looking for those clues that took everyone else about a minute to locate. No clue what messed these two up but they look like absolute morons on this leg.

One thought on “AMAZING RACE – 11/13/11

  1. The people that reenact stuff do it as escapism, kind of like watching reality shows. I like your your recaps, but you’re awfully judgy. I’m glad you’ve come around on the snowboarders even though you’re not their biggest fans, because they may be goofy but my money is on them to win it all. I do, however, like you calling out the prick that is Zach’s dad, what a blowhard!

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