AMAZING RACE – 11/6/11

November 7th, 2011 | 4 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 19

Lugout was basically unloading cargo on foot from a ferry boat back to shore. One team member has to carry a bunch of stuff and eight passengers one by one on their backs back to shore to receive their clue. This one looked really hard. I mean, could a female team member or lightweight non-NFL type man really do this one? I didn’t see any little people or kid passengers in that group. I know I wouldn’t have been able to carry any of those people. And what was with the stuff they chose? Looked like you were carrying crap to be donated to Goodwill or something. A chair, a crappy oscillating fan? Strange mix of crap to me. I was waiting to see some goofy glass knick knacks or something in the mix. Looked kind of like they were emptying some old lady’s attic.

And….we’re back again to Amani and Marcus who apparently need the locals to help them with what amounts to a very basic puzzle. I wish I knew how freaking long that one took. Maybe this was an editing thing but the time it seemed to take was totally ridiculous to me.

We next see Jennifer who realizes that she is a moron because she doesn’t have her clue. She had no idea what to do once she got paid without the clue. So apparently she decided the best idea was to just stand around near her bike and hope for lightning to strike or for her god to yell down what she should do next or something This was one of the dumbest moves this season, I think.

Marcus reinforces what we were saying earlier when he comments that the “language barrier is off the chain” (yet another annoying teenage phrase courtesy of Marcus, but anyway). Again, it must be Wikipedia saying Malawi’s official language is English because it is clearly a bunch of BS. Those people did not seem fluent in English at all. Sandy also commented that no one spoke English there. I’ll have to look this one up, because I really don’t buy that there’s much English going on there.

(Just a funny (well it’s not all that funny but bear with me anyway) aside: Closed Captioning strikes again: Cindy says “Can you wait for us?” The closed captioning says “Kuwait for us?” Kind of funny to me. I seriously think the deaf should rally and Occupy the major network lawns or something because subtitling essentially sucks. There are some shows where the captioning is utterly unreadable and/or so ridiculously far behind that you have no freaking clue what is going on. You see so many inexplicable dollar signs and other symbols intermixed in the words. Or words that aren’t even words. I am seriously surprised the deaf haven’t freaked out about this yet.

Anyway, if you’re wondering why we watch shows with closed captioning, it’s not because we’re deaf, it’s because we have two boys. We pretty much can’t hear anything when they are home. Or it’s because of watching shows with English accents…I can’t ever understand anything the English say, though I must say I love the accent. We almost lost our minds trying to watch The Tudors on Netflix, because it didn’t offer the subtitles. I had to sit about two inches from the screen and try to read mouths. Like the deaf out there, I’m basically still trying to figure out if Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn actually live happily ever after).

Okay, back to the show. Amani and Marcus finally finish the puzzle and Marcus does the bike challenge. Once he comes back, Justin seems to realize he’s screwed and that Jennifer has likely crashed and died or something. We see Jennifer walking around and asking the locals if they’ve seen any other Americans. No one answers, of course, because they all obviously speak fluent English. Unfortunately for Jennifer, she doesn’t seem to realize that other teams are going to different locations. She is clearly really blowing this one by just standing around like an idiot for way too long. Ironically she needs to just go back to where Justin is to complete the task but doesn’t seem to want to do that. Duh. I mean, I get standing around for a few minutes to see if another team shows up with their clue (and hoping they aren’t jerks and will actually share it with you) but after that, how do you NOT just return to Justin to find out what to do? I just didn’t get it. Anyway, she FINALLY decides to go back, but she obviously stood around for a ridiculous amount of time just scratching her head and waiting for divine intervention or something.

4 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE – 11/6/11

  1. Another funny recap Kim! I wanted to leave the first comment and tell you I loved it. I had to get that in before all of your readers, who do not like your recaps, slam you again for your negativity. There are other recaps out there if you don’t like the tone of this one. It is really that simple. We are several legs into the season and your style is the same each week, yet they keep coming back. Boggles the mind. Looking forward to next week!

  2. I love your recaps too, Kim! Honestly, this season is full of idiots anyway, how can you NOT be negative? But that is what is so great about your recaps. I find myself watching the show and wondering what Kim will say about it! Keep em coming!

  3. I thought Cindy’s writhing on the ground episode was really strange too, but I read that she has asthma and now I realize that’s probably why. Haha.

    I really enjoy your recaps, negative or not. I’ve liked all of them so far and you’re a very funny writer. Keep it up. 🙂

  4. Am I the only one who caught Sandy’s comment about not having kids? After she and Lawrence returned from their great bicycle escapade, she was complaining to Jeremy about how awful it was…I think because noone spoke English…and I SWEAR she said something like “this is why I don’t want to have children”. Um…excuse me…doesn’t Jeremy have a son? Or did I dream that, too? And while we’re on the subject of these two, when she whines at him to stop “yelling” at her…he’s not actually yelling!!!

    I love Marcus and Amani, but he definitely needs to cut it with the NFL references. Ernie and Cindy can’t be gone fast enough as far as I’m concerned. And I gotta say…I love those snowboarders. They were on my last nerve in the beginning, but they’ve “totally” grown on me dude. 😉 They’re just having fun and they’re running a clean race. I’d like to see them in the finals along with Marcus and Amani. I guess I’ll cheer for Lawrence and Zac to be the other team in the finals. But only because I like Zac. His dad is a prick.

    Love your recap, Kim!

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