AMAZING RACE – 10/30/11

October 31st, 2011 | 8 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 19

Next, Justin’s at the toy truck detour and mentions that he’s a doctor. Well, he actually says “I’m a physician.” Weird way to say it if you ask me, but whatever. I will give the guy credit for not having mentioned it before. How many doctors can you say that about? Most find a way to weave it in within a sentence of meeting you, and the male docs say it like they basically expect the women around them to just dump their husbands immediately upon hearing it. Anyway, we’ve had to suffer hearing about Magellan’s travels and the NFL crap constantly, so it was odd to have learned this so late. I did find it weird how Justin slipped it into the conversation though. He was making the toy truck and says something about how “at the root of surgery we all break things down and build them back up.” Seemed like he had just decided that right then was the time to impress us with the doctor thing because I didn’t really get the link between surgery and putting a toy truck made of sticks and bottle caps together.

Marcus next enlightens us that both his Grandmom and Mom were both sewers. Though with his accent it kind of sounded like he said they were SOO-ers which was confusing for a second. Thought we were talking septic tanks or something. Anyway, he made the comment like he’d have some advantage because the ladies in his family do it for a living. Unless sewing is somehow genetic, I don’t see his logic. To me, that’s like saying Grandma could walk right in and play right tackle because Marcus has played football, but whatever.

Moving along, Laurence delights us with his jerkoff comment #2 of the night – He tells Jeremy to watch out marrying Sandy because she said she can’t sew. She just got done saying she’s a nurse practitioner and sews people up for a living, and here Laurence is talking like Jeremy should dump her because she can’t put a freaking button back onto his shirt. Hello, dumbass. She’s got a good enough job and I’m sure they’ll have enough money to get someone else to do that for them. I’m really getting sick of this guy.

Next stop after the detour: Furniture Shop. The racers have to transport two wooden bed frames partly by car and partly by foot to a village. This is the next pitstop.

Ernie gives us his weekly crap cliché. This week it’s about how Cindy “holds the pants” in the relationship. Sh*tty cliché in the first place and he still couldn’t even manage to get it right. Anyway, Cindy was better at sewing than I’d hoped (can’t wait for these two to get canned) and then once they get the clue, Cindy busts out some weird version of a riverdance. Learning to dance was clearly not on the pre-Amazing Race study agenda.

Next we’re back at the toy truck detour and hear Laurence going on and on about how he just loved the kids and would’ve loved to spend more time with them. This is followed by him practically ripping the clue out of one kid’s hand and jetting off in a cloud of dust. Yeah, we could tell Laurence. You were just dying to stick around.

Then Laurence continues to wow us with his intelligence. He apparently thinks he can put those two large wooden beds in a car that’s about the size of one of those stupid looking Smart Cars? That’s got to be one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen someone actually contemplate. The trunk looked like it would fit one watermelon at most and here Laurence is thinking that two large beds are just going to travel by sticking out of it. And he tried to talk smack about Zac not being that swift last week.

Andy and Tommy get to the point where they have to continue to the pitstop on foot and Andy asks if anyone sees any lions out there. Oh please let there be! I was hoping this show would quickly turn into “The Ghost and the Darkness” and that some random lion would pick off one of these snowboarding airheads. Sorry about that obscure reference, I’m probably the only one who ever saw that movie.

8 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE – 10/30/11

  1. “Have a great week” was the only positive comment in the entire recap. Once again, totally negative, and not in a “sophmoric, skewed and sarcastic” way. Just total negativity. I’ve been reading Reality Steve for years and this is the first time I am not enjoying what I’m reading.

  2. I love RS. Not so much this writer. RS makes fun of the editing/production/staff/show. I’ve never really seen him truly “hate” on the contestants the way this writer is. We don’t know these people. We only see/know what it being edited. RS is fair to the contestants and this writer just isn’t. They’re acting like it’s personal. That’s just my thought. Hope everyone has a great day!

  3. Geez people chill out, its called sarcasm and its hillarious. I read the blog for all the witty comments about the show not to find out what happened. I thought it was very funny.

  4. I agree with bmayer – I enjoy reading this writer. I found myself laughing outloud with some of her comments. I find Cindy to be annoying and it’s nice to know I’m not alone! Keep up the good work!

  5. I agree with Gabby, she criticizes the contestants waaayyyy too much. If you dont like the show then dont write about it!! There is a HUGE difference between sarcasm and outright negativity. That’s why I like to read RS, because he is sacrcastic and funny. Plus she gets half the stuff wrong anyways! This writer is way too angry for me, so I will not be reading her recaps anymore. I think Steve needs to find a new writer who actually has a heart.

  6. There’s definitely a problem when the negativity of the writer takes away from the article itself. I read these for entertainment and humor, and I love a good laugh. This is not humor. The anger overshadows the content.

  7. i agree with a lot of the previous comments, RS is FUNNY and makes fun of people but generally isnt mean and doesnt speak about the contestants as if he actually hates them. Lighten it up a bit lady!

  8. I think that the Amazing Race would be difficult to write up in the kind of humor column that RS does so well. Because, there is not really as much stupidity to make fun of in the AR. And the episodes are only one hour long rather than the 2 hours that the Bachelor/ette usually run. And there is so much activity in the AR that there really isn’t as much room for random and contrived activities. I actually just enjoy watching it for what it appears to be on the surface… a race for a million dollars. Generally I don’t really make fun of the contestants, even in my thoughts. I just want to see how they make it through the challenges and get from here to there.

    I do think that when somebody makes a less-than-stellar strategic move, that should be fair game for criticism or remarks. But overall, I don’t look negatively at the people themselves. There are many physical challenges on this show that I would not have a prayer of completing!

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