AMAZING RACE – 10/30/11

October 31st, 2011 | 8 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 19

Sandy next makes some comment that “These workers keep getting in our way!” Really? I would venture to say the workers have a right to be in the way. Yes, Sandy…let these guys trying to make a living who do this crap job 24/7 and probably earn $1 a day at best move out of YOUR way. Certainly, a reality TV show is more important than that. Anyway, Sandy must’ve demanded that the guys stop working because they stop doing their jobs altogether and just start dancing around the rest of the time. I guess because Justin just kept getting the hell in their way they decided to give up trying to get anything done.

I must say I really was hoping Laurence would choose to do this roadblock. I just didn’t think he’d be able to move those heavy bales around. Then maybe Zac could return the favor from last week. He could start pacing around talking about how “This really isn’t Laurence’s forte…” and how he would’ve been able to do this task so much quicker. Take old Laurence down a notch. Seeing Laurence suffer on this task was especially fun for me.

Next, Cathi comments that her, Bill, Marcus and Amani are all in last because they were all seated at the back of the plane. Where exactly is the strategy this season? I get Cathi and Bill being in the back. But Marcus and Amani left first, right? Did they NOT think to ask for the seats closest to the front of the plane even though they were first at the airport? I mean, do these people even watch this show before being on it? Stupid, stupid.

Bill next tells us that “Riding on the road, it’s better than being in a plane? Huh? Anyone else think we were stuck watching someone losing their mind? No clue what he was talking about. The only way that comment makes sense is in the context of the mode of transportation being on fire or something. Then yes, Bill, you’re right: It is better being in a car on fire than being 20,000 feet up in an airplane that’s on fire. Either way, you die, but you sure got a point there. I would probably rather not be on fire and plunging to my death. Thanks for sharing.

Jeremy and Sandy get done with Tobacco Warehouse and are off to Memorial Tower for the next clue, leading them to the Detour: All Sewn up or Not Grown Up. All Sewn Up is a tailor shop where the teams must sew up a suit for a customer. Not Grown Up consists of using scrap materials to build a traditional toy truck for the local kids. Seeing the toy truck just goes to show you how spoiled our American kids are. Those toys looked pretty crappy compared to the high tech stuff we have here. They were basically bottle caps, sticks and boxes attached together. Did not look all that sturdy either. They didn’t even really look like they would move that well and I think it would take my kids all of two minutes or so to completely destroy one. If it even took that long.

The snowboarders choose “Not Grown Up,” which totally made sense to me.

Anyone hear Laurence’s crappy attitude in this episode? He makes some comment about how “This is where the ladies whip us up because of the sewing.” It’s not 1890, you d!ck. Not all females know how to sew. I’m not even the type to get offended by pretty much anything and this still kind of pissed me off. I was just waiting for him to make a dumb comment about how Cindy would have the advantage with tailoring because she’s Asian. I’m liking this guy less and less each week. Does he think he’s some kind of god because he’s always floating around the world in a boat? Sorry, Laurence but that stopped being impressive in about 1590 or something.

Marcus and Amani are next shown still suffering back at the tobacco factory. This Marcus guy keeps surprising me, and not in a good way. This huge former NFL’er seemed to be having so much trouble moving those heavy bales around. This is not the first time he’s seemed totally winded on a task. You’d think he would do better at this stuff. I mean, I’m sure he’s not in NFL shape anymore or anything but come on, Bill’s kicking your ass. Step it up a notch. Anyway, Amani starts going on and on about how Marcus is used to hard work and appreciates what these tobacco men do for a living. Yeah, the NFL is really on par with doing hard work and certainly compares to these guys doing this awful job 24/7. And what DOES Marcus do now for work? I have yet to hear anything except about his former NFL glory days. No matter what he’s doing, I seriously doubt it compares to these tobacco workers. I can’t exactly see old Marcus doing any heavy duty work. Otherwise, I doubt he’d be tiring so damn easy on these tasks.

8 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE – 10/30/11

  1. “Have a great week” was the only positive comment in the entire recap. Once again, totally negative, and not in a “sophmoric, skewed and sarcastic” way. Just total negativity. I’ve been reading Reality Steve for years and this is the first time I am not enjoying what I’m reading.

  2. I love RS. Not so much this writer. RS makes fun of the editing/production/staff/show. I’ve never really seen him truly “hate” on the contestants the way this writer is. We don’t know these people. We only see/know what it being edited. RS is fair to the contestants and this writer just isn’t. They’re acting like it’s personal. That’s just my thought. Hope everyone has a great day!

  3. Geez people chill out, its called sarcasm and its hillarious. I read the blog for all the witty comments about the show not to find out what happened. I thought it was very funny.

  4. I agree with bmayer – I enjoy reading this writer. I found myself laughing outloud with some of her comments. I find Cindy to be annoying and it’s nice to know I’m not alone! Keep up the good work!

  5. I agree with Gabby, she criticizes the contestants waaayyyy too much. If you dont like the show then dont write about it!! There is a HUGE difference between sarcasm and outright negativity. That’s why I like to read RS, because he is sacrcastic and funny. Plus she gets half the stuff wrong anyways! This writer is way too angry for me, so I will not be reading her recaps anymore. I think Steve needs to find a new writer who actually has a heart.

  6. There’s definitely a problem when the negativity of the writer takes away from the article itself. I read these for entertainment and humor, and I love a good laugh. This is not humor. The anger overshadows the content.

  7. i agree with a lot of the previous comments, RS is FUNNY and makes fun of people but generally isnt mean and doesnt speak about the contestants as if he actually hates them. Lighten it up a bit lady!

  8. I think that the Amazing Race would be difficult to write up in the kind of humor column that RS does so well. Because, there is not really as much stupidity to make fun of in the AR. And the episodes are only one hour long rather than the 2 hours that the Bachelor/ette usually run. And there is so much activity in the AR that there really isn’t as much room for random and contrived activities. I actually just enjoy watching it for what it appears to be on the surface… a race for a million dollars. Generally I don’t really make fun of the contestants, even in my thoughts. I just want to see how they make it through the challenges and get from here to there.

    I do think that when somebody makes a less-than-stellar strategic move, that should be fair game for criticism or remarks. But overall, I don’t look negatively at the people themselves. There are many physical challenges on this show that I would not have a prayer of completing!

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