AMAZING RACE – 10/30/11

October 31st, 2011 | 8 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 19

Ugh. Just had to see that title to know that someone must make that dumb comment on this week’s show. Can’t wait to see who that was.

Back to last week’s show, I read the Elimination Interview of Liz and Marie and got an answer to the question of how long they had walked before a taxi gave them a free ride: apparently it was four hours. Wow. I guess that tells us just how far behind the other teams they were. Kind of a shame. They said that the taxi driver totally gouged them on the fare and that was why they had no money left. The driver had threatened to call the cops and they just relented and gave him all of their money. He apparently demanded 4,500 baht of the twins, yet one of the commenters on the CBS site mentioned that these drivers typically make about 10,000 baht in a month. So, draw your own conclusions. Seems like they may have gotten screwed over on that one.

I also checked out a nearly unwatchable clip of Ernie drawing a taxi driver a picture of himself and Cindy in a race. They are sitting in what looks like bumper to bumper traffic, yet Cindy and Ernie seem to think that they aren’t moving fast because the driver just doesn’t appreciate that they are in a hurry. So in typical Ernie and Cindy style, they decide to draw him a picture of stick figures running with a lightning bolt behind them. Wow. These two have hit a new low. Here’s to hoping this one plays out in real life: lightning bolt blasts one of them right in the ass. Anyway, here is the link in case you want to lose two minutes of your life you’ll never be able to get back.

Anyway, onto this week’s show. Amani and Marcus are off first, traveling 5,000+ miles to Malawi in Africa. Awesome. Maybe we’ll get to see Madonna or Brangelina trying to export some more kids. You’d think Brad would grow a set and say “Enough f’ing kids already!” one of these days. Poor guy is great looking, could arguably get any chick in the world and here he’s saddled with like 17 kids and a wife that pretty much looks like she ain’t easy to deal with. He should’ve taken a lesson from his friend George Clooney. Clooney dates only the hottest chicks, never ever commits and just trades them in for a new model (supermodel, actually) like he’s got them on lease every few months. He’s a total magnet for beautiful women, because all women love a challenge and all think they’ll be the one he actually commits to. Then as soon as the latest model gets annoying, he drops her. Seriously, that guy’s a genius, and that praise is coming from a woman. Hats off to ya, Clooney.

Anyway, back to the show. Right after they read the clue that they are going to Malawi, Amani and Marcus start rattling on about having a special needs child. No offense, but I had no clue how that fact tied into their traveling to Africa. Apparently they just felt the need to impart that information on us right then and so that’s what they did. Or maybe editing should’ve done better in the form of a segue. Either way, awkward placement to me.

Jeremy and Sandy now bore us with talk of how they transitioned from friends to dating and that they’ve been dating for 8 months. Wow, that’s so interesting. Save it for The Newlywed Game, okay? We really don’t care.

Anyway, every team is on the only flight to Malawi. When everyone lands, they are told to head to some place they refer to as the Tobacco Warehouse. Funny…kind of sounded like some Cigarette Outlet somewhere here in America. The reality was not quite the same. A ton of large unprocessed bales of tobacco in a warehouse.

Cindy then announces that over 60% of Malawi’s income is from tobacco leaves and “That’s why we are going to Tobacco Warehouse now.” Very smart of you, Cindy. You continue to impress with your skill in basic deduction. As soon as you figure out what two plus two is, let us dummies out here know, okay?

My favorite snowboarders next tell us that they’ve never been to Africa because there’s no snow in Africa. Uh huh. Please someone tell these two about Antarctica so I don’t ever have to see them or their goofy bandanas again.

Laurence, in typical Magellan fashion, then declares “We’re here in Malawi!” I was just surprised he didn’t try to stick a flag in the ground like he discovered the place or something. Maybe he just didn’t get that five teams before him would’ve already arrived in Malawi and that we kind of have the point already. Either way, stupid comment.

AND of course, we should’ve known…Cathi made the dumb quote that ended up being the title of this show. “We love your country already! It’s very spacious! We’re farmers from the U.S. so we like that.” What exactly is that supposed to mean? Is she insulting them because so far there are virtually no buildings to be seen? I guess she’s trying to say she likes open fields or something but it just made no sense. Another dumb comment tonight.

Jeremy and Sandy hit the roadblock first. Apparently it consists of moving 10 really heavy bales of tobacco on dollies through a warehouse. The local workers were wearing really weird leprechaun green uniforms topped off with like a goofy Gorton’s fisherman hat or something. Just seemed to be a strange looking uniform outside of Ireland, I guess. Anyway, this leg of the race looks pretty hard and the guys seem to be having some trouble. Good thing the twins aren’t still in it. The regular local workers there were basically running Justin over left and right in bumper car fashion. Justin seemed to totally suck this.

8 thoughts on “AMAZING RACE – 10/30/11

  1. “Have a great week” was the only positive comment in the entire recap. Once again, totally negative, and not in a “sophmoric, skewed and sarcastic” way. Just total negativity. I’ve been reading Reality Steve for years and this is the first time I am not enjoying what I’m reading.

  2. I love RS. Not so much this writer. RS makes fun of the editing/production/staff/show. I’ve never really seen him truly “hate” on the contestants the way this writer is. We don’t know these people. We only see/know what it being edited. RS is fair to the contestants and this writer just isn’t. They’re acting like it’s personal. That’s just my thought. Hope everyone has a great day!

  3. Geez people chill out, its called sarcasm and its hillarious. I read the blog for all the witty comments about the show not to find out what happened. I thought it was very funny.

  4. I agree with bmayer – I enjoy reading this writer. I found myself laughing outloud with some of her comments. I find Cindy to be annoying and it’s nice to know I’m not alone! Keep up the good work!

  5. I agree with Gabby, she criticizes the contestants waaayyyy too much. If you dont like the show then dont write about it!! There is a HUGE difference between sarcasm and outright negativity. That’s why I like to read RS, because he is sacrcastic and funny. Plus she gets half the stuff wrong anyways! This writer is way too angry for me, so I will not be reading her recaps anymore. I think Steve needs to find a new writer who actually has a heart.

  6. There’s definitely a problem when the negativity of the writer takes away from the article itself. I read these for entertainment and humor, and I love a good laugh. This is not humor. The anger overshadows the content.

  7. i agree with a lot of the previous comments, RS is FUNNY and makes fun of people but generally isnt mean and doesnt speak about the contestants as if he actually hates them. Lighten it up a bit lady!

  8. I think that the Amazing Race would be difficult to write up in the kind of humor column that RS does so well. Because, there is not really as much stupidity to make fun of in the AR. And the episodes are only one hour long rather than the 2 hours that the Bachelor/ette usually run. And there is so much activity in the AR that there really isn’t as much room for random and contrived activities. I actually just enjoy watching it for what it appears to be on the surface… a race for a million dollars. Generally I don’t really make fun of the contestants, even in my thoughts. I just want to see how they make it through the challenges and get from here to there.

    I do think that when somebody makes a less-than-stellar strategic move, that should be fair game for criticism or remarks. But overall, I don’t look negatively at the people themselves. There are many physical challenges on this show that I would not have a prayer of completing!

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