October 24th, 2011 | 10 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 19

I think Liz and Marie essentially got totally screwed over on this leg. First, they had a speed bump to perform that none of the other teams had to perform. Not that I don’t think they should have. But aside from the transportation issues (of which Liz and Marie predictably would have the most trouble having not been given extra money) there was no real challenge to potentially trip any of the other teams up. Almost like they knew the twins would be eliminated when they planned out the show. How could anyone have screwed up throwing fish food? It just seems we’re are not having challenges like prior seasons where someone seriously may not be able to finish a challenge at all (like the deaf guy Luke trying to find that bowl of soup among thousands for hours on end and the other challenge where the NBA guys just gave up and took a four hour penalty or something?). This season just doesn’t seem to have the compelling challenges that could sink one team and elevate another that we are used to seeing.

Anyway, the pit stop is apparently next and Ernie and Cindy seem to be in the lead. Ernie tries my patience once again with a line that would’ve been cheesy in 1995. He says the taxi driver is going to “phone a friend” and that it’s “good to have your lifeline.” This one rates almost as high as the “King of the World” crap from the last show. Cindy and Ernie have traveled the world but their idea of a compelling TV show is “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Probably because Cindy thinks she’s so freaking smart. Uh, please let these two get eliminated soon. I’m so sick of them already.

Liz and Marie are shown next, essentially screwed at this point of the show. They have no money left so decide to walk the 250 miles or whatever. They are told it will take five hours. Wow. Sometimes it’s okay to forfeit. Just give up already. Even if you make it to the pit stop, what are the chances you’ll benefit from a second non-elimination leg in a row? Luckily, some cab driver takes pity on them and drives them for free. I wonder if they were 500 pounds and ugly with no cameras around how this same situation would’ve gone. One twin declares that “It’s the worst feeling in the world not to have money.” Probably so. But you’re a little short of living on the streets or something, right? How about a little perspective, please. You don’t have money on this leg of this GAME and may lose the game because of it. But then you’ll still go back to your cushy twin Barbie doll lives. I’d venture to say those living on the below zero degree streets in the middle of winter would love to smack that comment right off your pretty faces. I’m sure they would, if they even had a freaking TV to watch!

Next we’re back to Tommy and Andy. Was anyone else wondering what the F these two were doing waiting around at that place? What the freak was that chick looking for? Didn’t they basically just ask her where some local attraction was? She has to research it for an hour and then make them wait for someone else to help them find it? People keep telling them to sit there and wait while the chick that hijacked their clue finishes “teaching.” What exactly happened here? I think I would’ve busted in her little classroom and grabbed my stuff back from her. And what was with that creepy Uncle Fester guy that finally gave them a map to show them where they were going? It was so weird. He had a Thai accent but did not look Thai at all. I kind of thought he’d make a great Halloween decoration. Like that guy that sits on the porch that everyone thinks is a stuffed scarecrow but it’s really a live dude and scares the sh*t out of people.

Liz and Marie are finally shown arriving in Bangkok. They are able to receive yet another free ride to the fish location. Again, the fact that they aren’t disgusting pigs and that men have creepy twin fantasies were the only things that would ever land them two free rides in Thailand.

Check in order at the pit stop:

1. Marcus/Amani (Marcus compared them to an NFL team and said to “look out for us at playoff time.” Is he having flashbacks or something?)
2. Bill/Cathi
3. Ernie/Cindy (Cindy does a Toyota jump like they just told her that the race was over and she just won the million by coming in third place. Please let me see her “elimination face” soon.)
4. Justin/Jennifer
5. Tommy/Andy
6. Zac/Laurence (Phil tells them that the first class restriction applied ONLY to air travel. Great move Laurence. He was a real asset on this leg).
7. Jeremy/Sandy
8. Liz/Marie (Eliminated). (I really wondered how much later than Sandy and Jeremy they arrived. Would be nice to know just how far behind. It’s clear that the editing really makes teams look closer than they really are for the dramatic value. So unless it’s daylight for one team and dark for the next, you’ve really got no clue).

Previews for next week:

Apparently the teams are moving on to Africa, where they get to play bumper cars with giant sacks of tobacco. Looks like Cindy may be crushed while carrying a wooden bed frame or something, so things may be really looking up. “Please help me!” she yells. If I were in front of her, I’d throw a couple of cinder blocks on there for good measure.

See you all next week!

Written by:
Kim Wilson
Twitter: @kwilson111

10 thoughts on “THE AMAZING RACE – 10/23/11

  1. Great recap, as usual.

    I noticed that Jeremy and Sandy had just a little more air time than ever before this week. There was a very brief focus on them for a few minutes near the end of the episode. We still know almost nothing about them and their personalities and racing skills. I can’t recall going this far into a season and still seeing a couple who has been focused on so little (besides the eliminated ones, that is).

  2. Good recap, though everything is so negative. I agree with a lot of what was said, but didn’t see any positive statements about teams, individuals or anything! Everything has a glass half empty perspective. While the recap is good, I’d love to read something positive about the people and/or show itself! I love Reality Steve, the tone to the recaps and everything else, but don’t you like anything?

  3. while I enjoy reading the recaps, the constant negative attitude is just too much! it’s fine to make fun of the people who annoy you, but you come off sounding like a bitter old lady.

  4. I am glad some other people are also speaking up about the negativity! I mentioned it a few weeks ago. Dont watch the show if you are going to be so negative about every little detail.
    Yes, they did use the cab drivers cell phone. And the speed bump was for the twins only because they were not eliminated last week… they always throw in a speed bump for people who got in from a non-elimination leg, and Phil warned them too.

  5. What’s negativity to some is a hilarious sense of humor and sarcasm to others. To each his own. If I wanted to read a “regular” recap, I’d go to CBS. This site cracks me up — great recaps.

    refinnej — the irony is that telling someone they sound like a bitter old lady, is, well, pretty darn negative. even sarcastic people have feelings.

  6. yeah what’s the deal with such a negative recap? i’m fine with sarcasm, but this goes way beyond sarcasm into bitterness. reality steve and the other dude who does the survivor recaps are sarcastic, but they aren’t to the point of being rude.

    amani and marcus weren’t the ones that took the pic on the cell phone, it was jennifer and justin. get it straight.

  7. There’s a big difference between negativity and sarcastic humor. The word “bitter” is very appropriate. Show some positive enthusiasm. If you’re recapping a show you don’t like, don’t do it. It takes away from the pleasure of reading the usually great recaps on Reality Steve’s site. Reality Steve has found that balance and I believe you need to too. Just some constructive feedback! Right now, I get the impression you don’t like anyone or anything regarding TAR.

  8. This recap is hysterical. It is done for the Reality Steve website so it is supposed to be “slanted, sophomoric and skewed”. I laughed through the whole thing. If you don’t get the point of this site read the boring recap on the AR website. Jeez. Lighten up people!

  9. There is a big difference between Reality Steve’s “slanted, sophomoric and skewed” recaps and the negativity surrounding the recent TAR ones. Obviously it has been noticed by other people. We all have the right to voice an opinion. When the same thing has been noticed by mulitiple people, there is a valid point being made. Try to respect others opinions and feelings. If you would compare Steve’s recaps to this person, you would notice a big difference. Steve intersperses some positive statements in his recaps. He likes certain situations and people. This person had nothing positive to say. This season of TAR has some of the best teams ever, and to make fun of each and every individual is ridiculous. No one wants to read a steady stream of negativity.

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