October 17th, 2011 | 6 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 19

Next everyone arrives on some remote island and they can choose between Detour choices Coral Reconstruction or Beach Preparation. It amounts to either building a coral “nursery” to drop in the ocean or lining up beach chairs and umbrellas. Essentially, CBS can pretend that it is trying to help this tsunami-ravaged country instead of just exploiting it. Like lining up umbrellas and chairs on the beach for five minutes so that some douchebags can sunbathe is making some big difference. I fail to see the link between the two, though it was clear that this was the message they were trying to send.

Along these lines, Marcus and Amani are shown going on about how they remember footage of the coral reefs being damaged in the tsunami…Yeah, whatever. You don’t remember that. You remember the footage of crappy houses being hit by a huge wave, demolished and washed up the street. But on they rattle about how setting up beach chairs is “a way for us to give back.” Barf. Seriously.

I’m starting to think Justin and Jennifer are really married because they sure argue like it. Big fight over putting that coral PVC nursery together; it keeps falling apart because they both suck at it. I can’t wait until these two start throwing punches once they get closer to the million. Because it’s going to happen.

Tommy and Andy finish putting the coral nursery together and then kayak out to put it under the water. They go on and on about how the current was strong and how they are surfers and have expertise, blah blah blah. Everyone’s an expert at patting themselves on the back on this show. Then Tommy proceeds to place a big piece of coral on top of the nursery to hold it down and refers to it as a rock. Uh, okay. YOU’RE the expert.

As expected, the twins are having major trouble with the chairs and umbrellas even though they were the first ones to start the challenge. One of them can’t seem to manage to simply unfold a beach chair. Apparently, that was the big part of the challenge for them. She’s struggling and about to throw the chair and we see some Thai guys having a laugh over it. Awesome. Apparently, laughing at the folly of dumb people is universal.

So a bunch of the teams sucked at keeping those coral nurseries together, so they switch to the beach chairs. I must admit I was very surprised that Marcus was so winded over the coral nursery detour. There were small girls and the old folks out there that didn’t look that tired. But here’s Mr. Former NFL guy on the verge of hyperventilating over this task. Anyway, I never get spending all this time on a task, and when you’re pretty close to finishing, you just quit and go to start the other detour. Who knows, this one seemed pretty hard for a lot of people. Probably one that looked easier from the comfort of our homes, I guess.

6 thoughts on “THE AMAZING RACE – 10/16/11

  1. Did you catch the comment by the Barbie twins as they were riding on the speedboat? Quote, “…people dream of seeing stuff like this”. Cue the cameras pointing at their butts and legs. PG-rated porn. Keep up the good work with these recaps.

  2. How could you not mention the “I sailed around the world” team screwing up navigating to the pit stop, and blaming the charts and compass even though every other team seemed to manage it just fine.

  3. I hate Cindy and Ernie. shes been doing nothing but bragging and going on about all of the training theyve been doing. But the compass, one thing we all learn in 3rd grade, they have no idea about.

    I actually really like the snowboarders. They dont seem nearly as stupid as they sound. I hope they are around for awhile.

    I did love how the ‘Adventurers’ were the only team unable to navigate the map. And then blamed the map and the compass.

  4. cfolliot, i didn’t mention it because i didn’t freaking see it! i am so pissed off. i think it was that damned emergency broadcast system thingy. i just KNEW I missed some stuff. thanks for bringing it up, you KNOW I would’ve mentioned it otherwise. I love picking on the Magellan twins.

  5. Unfortunately I missed the episode on Sunday. Now that I know it was a non-elimination leg, I don’t think I’ll bother finding and watching it.

    Thanks for the recap! Yes, the snowboarders having wives is quite a surprise.

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