October 17th, 2011 | 6 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 19

Anyway, one of the twins starts rattling on about how her late dad told both of them that they could do anything they wanted in life. Yeah, okay, but every dad pretty much says that. Well, except for the ones that hit you a lot, drink constantly, wear dirty wifebeaters, and disappear from your life for years at a time. But otherwise, that is just some bullsh*t that every parent says. In some cases (for example, with actual smart kids) they mean it. But let’s face it: this Dad scored a couple of twins that were never gonna be President. We soon find out they can’t even unfold beach chairs without an instruction guide. So we pretty much know that dad was just blowing smoke.

So we’re again in yet another airport and soon learn that the teams will have to catch another plane to Thailand. Andy and Tommy are shown behind Zac and Laurence messing with their hair. Laurence swats Tommy away like the annoying gnat he is. Did these two just finish fifth grade or something? Were spitballs gonna be next? Anyway, at this point, is anyone else wondering if we’ll spend the whole show watching all the teams try to get to Phuket from 50 connecting airports? Seems like that took up most the show. Will we actually be seeing any challenges tonight?

Apparently the teams will finally land in Thailand tonight. Andy, Tommy, Zac and Laurence arrive and find out that even though they left first and second, they have somehow been beaten to Thailand by the other teams by an hour…Uh oh. Welcome to the back of the pack guys. Will I actually be able to get rid of the snowboarders this week!?

Next the camera pans to a really weird scene where Liz and Marie insist on an extended hug with their cab driver. It wasn’t like he was actually receptive either. He kind of had a look on his face like this is a country where your arms could be cut off for hugging someone other than your wife. Not sure what was up with it, but that guy couldn’t have looked less interested in hugging these girls. Good thing he didn’t help them with their luggage or something, I can only imagine what they would’ve tried to do to thank him.

Well my hopes are quickly dashed when Jeremy and Sandy arrive at the marina and it doesn’t open until the next morning. Damn. Probably won’t get rid of those snowboarders after all.

First task is a Detour: Phil rattles on about tsunami-devastated Phuket. Again, I reiterate about how these reality TV shows love to show up to formerly devastated countries. I guess it’s good for the networks to pour some money into these countries, but it still seems a bit exploitive to me. Hold that thought: Anyone else get interrupted by a damn emergency broadcasting alert? Has there EVER been a real emergency that requires the use of one of these things? Let me know because I’ve yet to have that come on the screen and not be just a frigging test. And it’s never during some dumb show you don’t care about. It’s always the end of the World Series or something. Anyway, that dumb test jacked up my Amazing Race DVR and restarted it taping again. I went to rewind and it wouldn’t go back very far and I almost blew a gasket. Then I had to suffer through fast forwarding 60 Minutes again…thanks a lot, Emergency Broadcast System.

Hope I didn’t miss anything because of all of that. Next, they seem to be on boats heading toward some remote island. Marcus comments about Justin ahead on a boat “acting like he’s on the Titanic” and then Jennifer just happens to yell “We’re the King of the World!” Dumb reference, Jennifer. First off, more than one person can’t be King of the World, right? Sounds like something stupid a kid would yell. Second, I just want to put on the record that except for Leo DiCaprio in the actual movie Titanic, no one has ever been funny making that reference since. Actually, it wasn’t all that funny even then. But anyone at the front of a boat or whatever who insists on screaming that they are the King of the World should be immediately thrown overboard. If I have a vote, it would be with an anchor attached. Anyway, this whole exchange leaves me hoping CBS is just foreshadowing some tragedy and that the boat actually sinks, and that I don’t have to see someone who would dare make that reference ever again. Rant officially over. Thanks for bearing with me.

6 thoughts on “THE AMAZING RACE – 10/16/11

  1. Did you catch the comment by the Barbie twins as they were riding on the speedboat? Quote, “…people dream of seeing stuff like this”. Cue the cameras pointing at their butts and legs. PG-rated porn. Keep up the good work with these recaps.

  2. How could you not mention the “I sailed around the world” team screwing up navigating to the pit stop, and blaming the charts and compass even though every other team seemed to manage it just fine.

  3. I hate Cindy and Ernie. shes been doing nothing but bragging and going on about all of the training theyve been doing. But the compass, one thing we all learn in 3rd grade, they have no idea about.

    I actually really like the snowboarders. They dont seem nearly as stupid as they sound. I hope they are around for awhile.

    I did love how the ‘Adventurers’ were the only team unable to navigate the map. And then blamed the map and the compass.

  4. cfolliot, i didn’t mention it because i didn’t freaking see it! i am so pissed off. i think it was that damned emergency broadcast system thingy. i just KNEW I missed some stuff. thanks for bringing it up, you KNOW I would’ve mentioned it otherwise. I love picking on the Magellan twins.

  5. Unfortunately I missed the episode on Sunday. Now that I know it was a non-elimination leg, I don’t think I’ll bother finding and watching it.

    Thanks for the recap! Yes, the snowboarders having wives is quite a surprise.

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