So next Marcus decides to enlighten us on this compelling fact: “I’m a deer hunter and I’m always up in trees.” He seems to think this will help him repel down into a cave. Not sure I get the connection. Maybe just try jumping to the bottom, huh Marcus? I think there’s a loose football down there. Ugh. Sorry for you hunters out there, but I’m not a fan of hunting either. Now is him being up in a tree hunting fair, seriously? You got Bambi grazing peacefully and you’re like freaking black Rambo up in a tree, trying to get a better view to better assist you in blowing her brains out. I am no hunter (obviously) but I really think it’s more fair (and competitive) at least to level the playing field and stay on the ground where you belong. Makes it more likely you’ll shoot one of your camo-dressed friends instead too.
Now that I’ve alienated the hunters out there, I hope I don’t offend too much saying this but my closed captioning was kind of far behind last night. It made it look like the gay guys were the ones that explained that spelunking is “Going down in the hole.” I almost fell off my seat thinking these editors are sick people until I realized the captions were off and it was actually Zac and Laurence that said it. But I still think these captions people did it on purpose. Sorry, enough second grade humor…moving along.
So Cindy and one of the twins is down in the cave bottom and see the guy hitting the gong and decide to scream like frigging Freddie Krueger was down there….Uh, what was so scary about that one? The best part was that the gong guy looked annoyed. I love that. You could almost hear the expletives referring to dumb female Americans in his head. That actually would make the show awesome: one of those bubble clouds over his head saying “A**holes.” Maybe someday. Anyway, I was really surprised when the guys ALSO squealed like little girls when they ran into the guy with the gong. What was the deal with this segment? “Pretty crazy!” one of the guys screamed. Uh, it’s a guy with a gong. And he hits the gong…exactly ONCE. What the hell was so scary or crazy about this segment? Indonesia will probably ban Americans soon for this kind of annoying sh*t.
Moving along…next we’re treated to some really compelling thinking from Cindy (these other racers are probably just making her dumber or something). She says something like “We were told to find a mask at the bottom; I saw a mask on a stick, so I figured that must be it.” Uh, yeah. Don’t think they’d be tripping you up by putting right and wrong masks down there or anything. I mean, there was no actual specific description of the masks that should be recovered, so any one you find must be it, right? Are they editing out the smart comments or are there just no smart comments in this group? It’s like we’re hearing the rudimentary thinking of a three year old or something with these people.
So I could not tell which brainiac was responsible for the next idiotic and unfunny statement. My guess would’ve been Ernie but I actually think it was Jeremy: “It’s like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Jakarta.” People should have to die for those kinds of jokes, in my opinion. Give the cameraman a gun, just in case this happens again. Sorry. Not funny. You wouldn’t have gotten a laugh out of a five year old for that one. And you’ve got the wrong reality show. This isn’t Last Comic Standing, but if it were, you sure as hell wouldn’t still be standing. Sorry to be so critical, but there’s nothing that annoys me more than cheesy, stupid jokes. Just shut up and race.
Kaylani and Lisa are next enlightening us with banter such as “I can’t even explain to you how green and beautiful it was down there….” Uh, you do realize we will be watching the footage on these large boxes we have in our houses just for viewing such things, right? You don’t have to explain. We probably have a better view of it than you did. Speaking of those large boxes, many will probably be watching you on the dirty channels on them shortly. That’s how sure I am of the turn your careers will take after this.
Now we’re focused on Bill and his talk of the rungs of the bamboo ladder out of the cave being too far apart for the girls. “That’s when I was able to move ahead because I have such a strong upper body.” Yeah, you’re a regular Schwarzenegger, Bill. Just because you weigh 5 pounds more than Cindy doesn’t exactly make you a body builder. They were girls and their legs were shorter than yours, period. But if you want to feel stronger than someone for the first time in your life, go right ahead.
Next we hit the detour: Money Maker or Ticket Taker. Earn 30,000 rupiah dancing like a moron in the street or be a ticket taker being a motorbike attendant collecting 15,000 rupiah and what looked like 15,000 bikes at once. Is this really possible that people pay weirdoes to dance around with masks on while waiting for traffic? Can’t wait to see the x-rated show our showgirls put on with this one. Next the racers are told to travel to an orphanage and give the money away. You can tell they are setting us up when they show us the clue that says they have to turn over ALL the money in their possession to the orphanage — looking like at least one teams is gonna screw this one up.
So at this point, any one else surprised Bill and Cathi are still upright? Upright, but also annoying unfortunately. What was the strange language he adopted trying to get his taxi driver to move? Started with “hey hey hey!” and then warped into “Cha Cha Cha!…Bla Bla Bla!” coupled with a lot of forward finger pointing. Just goes to show you the ridiculous stuff that the racers say when trying to get non-English speaking taxi drivers to move their asses. Of course, this is also Yabba Dabba Doo guy, so it doesn’t take much with this one. But you got to wonder because the drivers never seem to be in a rush. Chatting with friends, stopping for gas, there’s always at least one that doesn’t give a sh*t he’s being filmed on this show and gives less of a sh*t about helping his fare move faster than anyone else. I love those drivers when their racers are dripping sweat and frantically trying to impart the seriousness of the situation on them by pointing and saying “Fast! Fast!” while the driver basically just yawns back at them.
great recap, I love the amazing race, but your recaps are pretty much my thoughts
for spoilers on Reality Fan Forum they have a spoiler forum that is Tweets and Facebook status while the race was going on and they try to figure out who gets eliminated where. Some what accurate last season up to the Final 5 if I remember. Can’t wait to read it next week.
I’m not so interested in spoilers for this show… would rather just see it play out in the episodes each week.
Enjoyed reading this recap! But I do notice a type of animosity towards Bill and Cathi that doesn’t exist with the rest. Why, I wonder? Sure, there are a lot of dumb people on the show this time — it seems there are even more dumb ones than usual. But the Bill and Cathi thing seems to be partly related to their age.
Bill and Cathi are the token older people on this show… they always have at least one couple (or one person) who is older. Big deal! I like the way all the other couples applauded for them because they had not been eliminated in the first round. But I wondered… usually I think everybody knows who did or didn’t get eliminated, the same night they stay at the pit stop. Why not this time?
Keep up the good work on this column — it’s enjoyable to read!
Hey mja,
You know, funny you mention me hitting Bill and Cathi so hard. I totally did. I kind of realized reading back over this week’s column that a lot of what I wrote at the beginning this week didn’t even really happen as expected. I mean, they did seriously rebound this week…all the stuff I wrote at the beginning of the column was based on last week’s performance. Last week they were pretty bad. But no animosity there. They seem like nice people and they obviously are better than what they showed last week. I’d say my least favorite team so far has to be the showgirls…as if that’s not obvious. I thought I hit them harder even than Bill and Cathi. When people introduce themselves by saying “We’re just so damn beautiful no one takes us seriously..blah blah blah” they have made an enemy of me.
Anyway, thanks for reading. I was afraid to look at the comments but I’m not getting torn apart here and am very grateful for that!
Glad to hear spoilers aren’t as important either…I think I could spend hours trying to find one little piece of info that isn’t even all that important.
Good question on the pitstop – I found it weird that no one knew whether Bill/Cathi had been eliminated or not…maybe AR did that just to keep the suspensse up leading into the announcement of the double elim?
Thanks for the info riverme…very helpful! I went on RFF but just kept looking through the spoilers section and was getting nowhere fast. I’ll check out the Twitter/FB section.
Kim, Thanks for reading and replying to our comments. I think you are doing a great job on these recaps, and I inted to keep reading!
Hey! Your recap was hilarious and I loved it. Just thought I’d clarify, Andy and Tommy do some surfing in addition to snowboarding, which would be where the surfing reference came from.
I agree with mja, you’re doing a great job and I will definitely keep reading.
Thanks Mja!
Also thanks Licia…I thought I was in outer space…good to know there is a surfing thing going on there too!