October 3rd, 2011 | 7 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 19

A little aside: anyone fail to notice the people commuting on the roof of that train to Jakarta? Just hanging out on the roof of a moving train, huh? People all hanging out the doors too over the tracks and WAVING to us! Uh, don’t you need that other hand to hold on or something? I mean, does this train move as slow as Bill and Cathi or do we have a bit of a safety risk here? I was kind of hoping we’d just keep watching the train for the rest of the episode and get to see the inevitable body-under-train casualty. Or maybe once the train hits 75 miles an hour we’d be able to see bodies just start flying off the roof. Hey, maybe that’s just part of the commute. The train flings you in the direction of your workplace or something. I mean, gas is expensive here but I haven’t yet thought of riding on the roof of a train as an alternate mode of transportation. Does the word “full” mean anything over there? Just goes to show you that some crazy sh*t is totally acceptable outside of America.

And we’re back to my least favorite idiot showgirl twins indicating “fast fast!” in the taxi and pointing straight ahead. This may be the most annoying stuff that happens every show, every season. Again, people adopting a completely just stupid sounding foreign accent (sounds the same no matter what continent they are on too), speaking Kindergarten English, and acting out charades or miming for the driver to move forward. Think that really works? Then when the driver is slow, I love when they start bad mouthing them as if every one of them doesn’t really know any English. They are lucky I’m not their driver. I’d slow down to three miles an hour, pull over and intentionally pop all the tires just to screw them over. All while pretending to not speak English of course…haha. That would be worth a couple of f’ing laughs.

So we’re shown that it is 7:30am again. Man, this is taking forever. Panning back to our blonde twins freaking out at the ridiculously fast speeds these taxis are whipping around. I got to admit it does look pretty crazy over there, especially with that other side of the road stuff and motorcycles everywhere. But one of the twins exclaiming “I just don’t know what to do!” made no sense. Uh, are you in a driver’s ed car with a second steering wheel and brake? No? Then I guess there isn’t much you can do, huh? Just sit back like me and hope the taxi crashes. We seriously need more of that kind of entertainment on this show. Less lost clues and passports, MORE crashes and accidents. Hell, part of the challenge should’ve been to commute on the roof of that train. Would’ve love to see them all face down, spread eagle clinging for their lives to the roof of the train.

And we’re back to Bill and Cathi mentioning for the 55th time that they have teams behind them. They must have been as shocked as I was. Yeah, Bill and Cathi, you may want to bask in that few minutes you were ahead for awhile. Pretty soon you will be 10 days behind again. Oh seriously, did Bill just say Yabba Dabba Doo? Bill, here’s some truth for you: If you’re not actually Fred Flintstone, there’s no excuse for that kind of talk. Keep it to yourself, because that’s the kind of stuff that gets you beat up anywhere outside of that farm in Oregon.

So I am still wondering if this is possible, but Bill and Cathi made it to the clue box first. Apparently one racer has to go down into some huge hole spelunking or whatever. Sport where you wear a huge light right smack in the middle of your forehead = I WILL NEVER DO THIS. 160 feet down into a dark cave. Can I possibly hope that at least one of my favorites fall to their death? Damn, of course not. Come on, step it up CBS.

Bill and Cathi finish the spelunking challenge and hit their speed bump: untangling some rope. Doesn’t seem that hard of a speed bump to me, and they don’t seem to have trouble with it. Come on, is CBS trying to keep these two around or something?

Camera next pans over to the other teams driving up some bumpy road. One twin says: “This is the rockiest road I’ve ever seen!” Yeah, except for that path between your ears, honey. Then Marcus says something about the road being like downtown Detroit. Yeah, that Indonesian cab driver totally got that humor. Save it for open mike night, okay. This had to have been the guy with the OJ joke in the airport. You’re good at tackling big guys with footballs, but you suck at jokes, Marcus. Spare us.

Kaylani and Lisa are next shown reaching the spelunking site and read the clue saying “Who’s ready to spelunk?” I was kind of waiting for the showgirls to start undressing or something. Spelunking could’ve meant blasting off to the moon for all they knew. I loved how it took them a full seven minutes to settle on the proper pronunciation of spelunk. They sounded like first graders reading for the first time. “Spe-Spe-Spe-LUNK.” Still not seeing those brains, girls.

7 thoughts on “THE AMAZING RACE – 10/2/11

  1. great recap, I love the amazing race, but your recaps are pretty much my thoughts 🙂 for spoilers on Reality Fan Forum they have a spoiler forum that is Tweets and Facebook status while the race was going on and they try to figure out who gets eliminated where. Some what accurate last season up to the Final 5 if I remember. Can’t wait to read it next week.

  2. I’m not so interested in spoilers for this show… would rather just see it play out in the episodes each week.

    Enjoyed reading this recap! But I do notice a type of animosity towards Bill and Cathi that doesn’t exist with the rest. Why, I wonder? Sure, there are a lot of dumb people on the show this time — it seems there are even more dumb ones than usual. But the Bill and Cathi thing seems to be partly related to their age.

    Bill and Cathi are the token older people on this show… they always have at least one couple (or one person) who is older. Big deal! I like the way all the other couples applauded for them because they had not been eliminated in the first round. But I wondered… usually I think everybody knows who did or didn’t get eliminated, the same night they stay at the pit stop. Why not this time?

    Keep up the good work on this column — it’s enjoyable to read!

  3. Hey mja,
    You know, funny you mention me hitting Bill and Cathi so hard. I totally did. I kind of realized reading back over this week’s column that a lot of what I wrote at the beginning this week didn’t even really happen as expected. I mean, they did seriously rebound this week…all the stuff I wrote at the beginning of the column was based on last week’s performance. Last week they were pretty bad. But no animosity there. They seem like nice people and they obviously are better than what they showed last week. I’d say my least favorite team so far has to be the showgirls…as if that’s not obvious. I thought I hit them harder even than Bill and Cathi. When people introduce themselves by saying “We’re just so damn beautiful no one takes us seriously..blah blah blah” they have made an enemy of me.
    Anyway, thanks for reading. I was afraid to look at the comments but I’m not getting torn apart here and am very grateful for that!
    Glad to hear spoilers aren’t as important either…I think I could spend hours trying to find one little piece of info that isn’t even all that important.
    Good question on the pitstop – I found it weird that no one knew whether Bill/Cathi had been eliminated or not…maybe AR did that just to keep the suspensse up leading into the announcement of the double elim?

  4. Thanks for the info riverme…very helpful! I went on RFF but just kept looking through the spoilers section and was getting nowhere fast. I’ll check out the Twitter/FB section.

  5. Kim, Thanks for reading and replying to our comments. I think you are doing a great job on these recaps, and I inted to keep reading!

  6. Hey! Your recap was hilarious and I loved it. Just thought I’d clarify, Andy and Tommy do some surfing in addition to snowboarding, which would be where the surfing reference came from.

    I agree with mja, you’re doing a great job and I will definitely keep reading.

  7. Thanks Mja!

    Also thanks Licia…I thought I was in outer space…good to know there is a surfing thing going on there too!

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