September 27th, 2011 | 6 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 19

Moving along to Laurence and Zac. Laurence is doing the drumming and saying he used to be a coxman in England so he should do well at this. So I am not sure how any prior experience will really help him literally hit a drum once every five seconds. You know why they always show that toy monkey beating the single little drum? Yeah, it’s because it’s easy, you big dummy. Anyway I’m not 100% positive, but I’m guessing that being a coxman actually has something to do with actual rowing. So why exactly then was Laurence the one beating the drum instead of rowing? So you bored us with your coxman past in England yet don’t even do the function that you would have had an advantage doing? Uh, makes a ton of sense.

Oh Bill and Cathi again. Did we seriously just see 6 teams getting the clue to head to the pit stop and Bill and Cathi are just now figuring out about the message on the huge balloon screen? This has got to be an Amazing Race record in stupid. These two were teachers? How much time has elapsed? 10 hours? And they STILL don’t seem panicked….Hello, you’re playing for a million dollars, try to at least pretend to care. These two seemed like they were told they had five days to complete this leg of the race. And seriously, they must be the most low key people on the planet. My husband and I would’ve been fighting two minutes after we couldn’t figure out where the clue was. At MOST. And that would be with NO money on the line, just trying to navigate the streets of Philly. Isn’t it natural to get a little annoyed if you’re wandering around looking for something you can’t find for hours on end? And they had to have noticed there were NO other teams around. Yet they are perfectly calm as if it’s normal for them to be wandering around with no end in sight. Maybe it is. My husband and I would have probably been in a public fist fight after that many hours.

Anyway, back to the blonde twin who still can’t get the proverb. Wow. Were these two Siamese twins conjoined at the head, splitting a brain? They are so lucky that Bill and Cathi are basically still at the terminal of the airport trying to figure their way out. What’s this? Oh no! Finally she remembers the proverb!

Next we see Bill and Cathi FINALLY at Confucius’ temple – Cathi gets it on her first try (or so it seemed). Too bad it took her three days to get there in the first place, they may have actually stood a chance. And is it me or is her voice really annoying? “suck-syes” “dee-pyends” Ugh. Please get eliminated already.

So finally Bill and Cathi arrive at the pit stop – Dead last as expected. But they aren’t eliminated? This is a non elimination leg already? Did someone at CBS make an executive decision that no one would leave the first week? Just seems weird that no one was eliminated immediately at the beginning with the umbrella challenge or at the end of the episode. AND they are having a double elimination next time? Bill and Cathi don’t seem to have a prayer…They’ll have a speed bump and two teams are getting the boot? Sorry, Bill and Cathi, you seem like nice people, but you’re gone next week. Don’t feel bad, the old timers don’t usually make it very long.

Here are your finishing places for the first episode: (1) Ernie/Cindy (Express pass won); (2) Jeremy/Sandy (3) Justin/Jennifer (4) Ethan/Jenna (5) Amani/Marcus (6) Laurence/Zak (7) Andy/Tommy (8) Ron/Bill (9) Kaylani/Lisa (10) Liz/Marie (11) Bill/Cathi.

Anyway, that’s the show…come back and see me next week!


6 thoughts on “THE AMAZING RACE – 9/25/11

  1. Loved the column Kim! I thought the same things about a bunch of these couples. It’s gonna be a fun season of reading your take on things. The Olympic Einsteins asked that smarmy garbage man if he had a clue because his underwear was showing and it was race colors. ROFL!! They even said something about it being the race colors, I think.

  2. Awesome job Kim!!!!! I can see why Steve chose you… have similar senses of humour. Wish I hadn’t missed the show but I;ll be back here weekly to read you!!


  3. Really good column — I watch the AR every season because I like it. And I don’t usually characterize the people who participate this way. But this was really fun! I haven’t been able to watch the first ep yet, but hope to see the rest as they are broadcast.

  4. Just want to say that I loved your recap! Great humour and style. I’ve only watched a few episodes of The Amazing Race, but a few co-workers of mine are addicted so when I saw the show was being covered I thought I would take a look and see if it was worth recommending. I’ll certainly be passing it on! I might even watch the show now 😉

  5. Loved the recap!
    Just about died when Cindy was drumming on the boat and said “I feel so Asian right now”!!!!LOL

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