September 27th, 2011 | 6 Comments | Posted in Amazing Race 19

So we’re on to the first task: listening to a somewhat long proverb and repeating it back to a monk completely from memory. It was fun watching Andy trying to repeat the proverb by memory because you could almost see those last few brain cells struggling. Luckily he changed into an extra thick Prefontaine sweatband to try to rally those troops together in his head. While he was repeating the phrase, he sounded like a stoner prophetically contemplating the world’s problems. We’ve all heard these people before. Total “Dazed and Confused” vibe. This could be awhile.

Pan over to the second task where Ernie and Cindy are: the Dragon Boat Races. Classic was Ernie asking Cindy if she is able to do the “rhythming.” Uh, Ernie, it’s called a drum. Was it me or was he actually miming drumming and mouthing words like Cindy’s both hard of hearing and too dumb to understand the concept of a drum. She’s actually Asian dude…but even if she weren’t she understands what a drum is. What a tool this guy is. I loved how he went through all this trouble to ask if she were capable of “rhythming,” and played charades with her, only to have that function come down to just swatting the drum once every five seconds or so. THAT was really tough, good thing you guys got together on who had more skill to perform that role.

Back to Confucius and our resident four dumb twins. Luckily for these twits the two old timers are still wandering around at the starting gate looking for the Empire State Building or something. Surprisingly the dark haired duo did this fairly quickly, but they still had their “hazard” penalty to complete. The hazard penalty seems to be similar to the typical U turn, in that it can be completed fairly quickly. This was no exception except it was pretty scary looking. Basically bungee jumping in a mall…something I doubt you’d see done in America. I’m guessing these people signed off on CBS not being responsible for their untimely deaths pretty early on in this process.

Camera pans back to our blonde twin still trying to repeat the Confucius phrase. Good thing neither of them will have to take the medical boards or anything because this chick can’t string twenty words together even after hearing them four hundred times. You almost could see the passage of time with her trying to remember this phrase. Like the sun setting in the background, the moon rising, the sun rising again, rain, snow, hail, sun again, flowers growing….unbelievable. Was almost expecting her to have a long gray beard toward the end.
However, not to fear because we are back to Bill and Cathi and they are yep, you guessed it, still wandering and looking for that first clue. They seem to think they are on some bus trip to Chinatown. At this point, I’m starting to wonder if they’ll ever even finish the first leg and someone will just eventually find two skeletons with backpacks and wonder who the hell these people were.

6 thoughts on “THE AMAZING RACE – 9/25/11

  1. Loved the column Kim! I thought the same things about a bunch of these couples. It’s gonna be a fun season of reading your take on things. The Olympic Einsteins asked that smarmy garbage man if he had a clue because his underwear was showing and it was race colors. ROFL!! They even said something about it being the race colors, I think.

  2. Awesome job Kim!!!!! I can see why Steve chose you… have similar senses of humour. Wish I hadn’t missed the show but I;ll be back here weekly to read you!!


  3. Really good column — I watch the AR every season because I like it. And I don’t usually characterize the people who participate this way. But this was really fun! I haven’t been able to watch the first ep yet, but hope to see the rest as they are broadcast.

  4. Just want to say that I loved your recap! Great humour and style. I’ve only watched a few episodes of The Amazing Race, but a few co-workers of mine are addicted so when I saw the show was being covered I thought I would take a look and see if it was worth recommending. I’ll certainly be passing it on! I might even watch the show now 😉

  5. Loved the recap!
    Just about died when Cindy was drumming on the boat and said “I feel so Asian right now”!!!!LOL

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